Sponsored Post on eAskme T&C

eAskme has grown a lot in past few years. It has covered the long distance from a new blog to an authority blog. It is now a popular blog with more than 50, 000 followers on various networks. For this access I must say thanks to all my readers, fans and followers.

Sponsored Post on eAskme T&C : eAskme
Sponsored Post on eAskme T&C : eAskme
From the beginning we are getting offers of sponsored post/ sponsored reviews. We have already shared reviews under the review category.

In this Sponsored Post on eAskme T&C page you will learn the terms and conditions to post on eAskme.

Sponsored Post on eAskme T&C 

Sponsored posts/sponsored reviews should be free from copy content.
Payments should be made before the article get publish.
Life of the article on eAskme.com is depend upon the cost.

$20 - Live for minimum one month.
$50 - Live for Minimum three months.
$100 - Live for Minimum 6 Months.
$200 - Live for Minimum 12 Months.
$300 - Lifetime ( As long as sites is live).

Making the links dofollow or nofollow is the right of eAskme.com.

eAskme reserves the write to change or update this document anytime, so it is your duty to keep yourself up to date with eAskme policies.

If you have any question, feel free to contact me.