January 08, 2025

Flight Risk (2025)

Flight Risk is an American action thriller movie for Mark Wahlberg fans. Flight Risk (2025) is based on a fictional story. It has nothing to do with any real event.

Flight Risk is the first movie of Mark Wahlberg in 2025. Mark Wahlberg is known for his action movies, and his fans love to see him in action-thriller movies. Jared Rosenberg has written, and Mel Gibson has directed the movie for Lionsgate.

Here is everything that you must know about Flight Risk (2025).

Flight Risk (2025)
Flight Risk (2025)

Other people are reading: Wolf Man (2025)

Flight Risk (2025):

Flight Risk is the story of Madelyn Harris, who is transporting an informant, Winston. Daryl Booth is a hitman and pilot with the job of assassinating the informant.

Michelle Dockery, Mark Wahlberg, Topher Grace, Leah Remini, Monib Abhat, Paul Ben-Victor, Eilise Patton, Senor Pablo, Savanah Joeckel, Mark Schotz, Milko Kadikov, Georgi S. Georgiev, and Atanas Srebrev are part of the Flight Risk movie project. It was filmed in New Zealand.

Flight Risk releases on 17th January 2025.

Mel Gibson directed Flight Risk (2025). He is a famous actor, producer, and director known for Braveheart (1995), Conspiracy Theory (1997), Lethal Weapon 3 (1992), and The Expendables 3.

Flight Risk's movie budget is more than $26.5 million. It is expected to earn $100 million at the worldwide box office.

Lionsgate owns the distribution rights to Flight Risk.

What are the Upcoming Movies of Mark Wahlberg?

  • Flight Risk (2024)
  • The Six Billion Dollar Man
  • By Any Means
  • The Family Plan 2
  • Weekend Warriors
  • Balls Up
  • Play Dirty

Flight Risk Ratings:

Stay tuned to know the IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings.

Sites to Stream Flight Risk:

Flight Risk will be released on LionsgatePlay and Hulu. Amazon Prime Video users can rent to watch Flight Risk (2025) movie.

This OTT prediction is based on the other Lionsgate movies. You can also buy or rent Flight Risk movie tickets.


Flight Risk (2025) is one of the American action-thriller movies of Mark Wahlberg. Critics and fans will review the movie and rank it.

Other helpful resources:


Wolf Man (2025)

Wolf Man is an American horror movie for scary movie lovers. It was announced in 2014 but released in 2025.

Wolf Man (2025) is the reboot of The Wolf Man (1941 film). It is the second movie from the Wolf Man movie series. Leigh Whannell has written and directed the movie for Universal Pictures.

Here is everything that you must know about Wolf Man.

Wolf Man (2025)
Wolf Man (2025)

Other people are reading: Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (2025)

Wolf Man (2025):

Wolf Man is the story of Blake and his family. An unseen creature attacked Blake, which turned him into a Wolf Man during the night. His Wolf Man transformation jeopardizes the lives of his daughter and wife.

Julia Garner, Christopher Abbott, Sam Jaeger, Matilda Firth, Benedict Hardie, Ben Prendergast, Milo Cawthrone, Beatriz Romilly, and Zac Chandler are part of the Wolf Man movie project. It was filmed in New Zealand.

Wolf Man releases on 17th January 2025.

Leigh Whannell directed Wolf Man (2025). He is a famous director known for SAW (2004), Cooties (2014), The Invisible Man (2020), Aquaman (2018), and the Insidious series.

Wolf Man's movie budget is more than $7 million. It is expected to earn $30 million at the worldwide box office.

Universal Pictures owns the distribution rights to Wolf Man.

How many Wolf Man have been released till now?

  • The Wolf Man (1941)
  • Wolf Man (2025)

Wolf Man Ratings:

Stay tuned to know the IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings.

Sites to Stream Wolf Man:

Wolf Man will be released on PeacockTV and Hulu. This OTT prediction is based on the other Universal Pictures movies. You can also buy or rent Wolf Man movie tickets.


Wolf Man (2025) is one of the American horror fantasy movies. Critics and fans will review the movie and rank it.

Other helpful resources:


Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (2025)

Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (2025) is an American action thriller movie. It is one of the best movies of Gerard Butler in 2025. Den of Thieves 2: Pantera is the second movie from the Den of Thieves movie series. Christian Gudegast has written and directed the first part of the movie for Lionsgate.
Here is everything that you must know about Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (2025).

Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (2025)
Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (2025)

Other people are reading: Wicked (2024)

Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (2025):

Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (2025) is the story of Lawman "Big Nick" O'Brien. This time, he deals with criminal Donnie Wilson to stop diamond thieves in Europe.
Gerard Butler, O'Shea Jackson Jr., Evin Ahmad, Salvatore Esposito, Meadow Williams, Swen Temmel, Michael Bisping, Orli Shuka, Cristian Solimeno, Nazmiye Oral, Yasen Zates Atour, Giuseppe Schillaci, Dino Kelly, Rico Verhoeven, Velibor Topic, Antonio Bustorff, and Ciryl Gane are part of the Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (2025) movie project.
Den of Thieves 2: Pantera releases on 10th January 2025.
Christian Gudegast directed Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (2025).
Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (2025) movie budget is more than $30 million. It is expected to earn $100 million at the worldwide box office.
Lionsgate Films owns the distribution rights to Den of Thieves 2: Pantera.

How many Den of Thieves have been released till now?

  1. Den of Thieves 2 (2018)
  2. Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (2025)

Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (2025) Ratings:

Stay tuned to know the IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings.

Sites to Stream Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (2025):

Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (2025) releases on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Apple TV. This OTT prediction is based on the release of the Den of Thieves (2018) movie. You can also buy or rent Den of Thieves 2 movie tickets.
Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Apple TV are the best OTT platforms to stream Den of Thieves 2: Pantera.


Den of Thieves 2: Pantera is one of the American action crime drama films in 2025. Critics and fans will review the movie and rank it.

Other helpful resources:


January 07, 2025

What is MoviesDA?

What is MoviesDa? What are the best alternatives?

MoviesDa offical website shut down. It is a free site with HD Tamil movies. It offers the latest Tamil film downloads.
All the latest Tamil HD movies are available on this website. Users can also stream or download Malayalam and Telugu movies. MoviesDa alternatives also serve a similar purpose.

Free download links are listed on MoviesDa sites.


What is MoviesDa?

MoviesDa is a free movie download website. All Tamil, Telugu, Bollywood, and Hollywood movie downloads on MoviesDA are pirated. Similar to English movie download sites, MoviesDa offers Tamil-dubbed movies for free.

MoviesDA officla website shut down and here are the alternatives.

Legit alternatives to MoviesDa: free legal streaming sites like MoviesDa

1. Amazon Prime Video:

Amazon Prime is one of popular destinations to download or watch movies and TV shows online. I love their movies and TV shows section.

Not only can a user watch Indian films of Bollywood movies like the MoviesDa website.

Amazon Prime Video is a premium service. It means that Amazon Prime Video is a paid service, and users have to opt for a monthly or annual subscription to watch movies online. it is a legit movie alternative to MoviesDa with HD quality.

Prime Video is also famous for its Amazon Prime web series.

2. Netflix:

Similar to Amazon Prime Video, Netflix is also a legit alternative to MoviesDa. This MoviesDa alternative is also paid. Users have to go for a monthly or annual subscription before enjoying the content on Netflix.com.

The Netflix app is also available for Android and iOS users. Users can install apps on their smartphones and enjoy all the popular movies, TV shows, and Netflix web series.

One thing that makes Netflix more accessible than Prime Video is that it is the oldest streaming service.

It has a massive collection of movies, TV shows, and web series that you cannot find anywhere else.

3. Hotstar:

Hotstar is the product of a star TV network. It is the best MoviesDA alternative.

Now, they have collaborated with Disney, and it has become Hotstar+ Disney. On Hotstar, users can watch all the popular movies and TV shows online in an authentic way.

All the content is available in HD quality. Users can view most of the content for free, but for some movies and videos, users have to opt for the premium plan.

Hotstar is highly prevalent in India, and users can watch Tamil, Telugu, and many other regional languages video content on the Hotstar website or app.

4. Hulu:

Hulu is also a popular streaming service. Like MoviesDA, users can watch all the popular movies, TV shows, and web series on this website.

Hulu also offers the Hulu web series, which is only available on the Hulu network. For a user, it is a must-go for the premium plan to access the premium quality content on Hulu.

Users can download the app on their smartphones to access Hulu easily.

5. Stan:

Stan is another premium alternative to the MoviesDa website. Users can start with 30 days of the free trial, and after that, they have to pay to access the content online.

Users can watch popular TV shows and movies online on this MoviesDa alternative.

You can not only access Stan on your TV or smartphone but also on PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Apple TV, computers, tablets, etc. Their kids' section is also popular.

6. Vudu:

Vudu is a premium movie streaming service. It is a legit Movies DA alternative.

On this website, users can also watch free movies and TV shows online. It is famous for streaming movies, TV shows, and family & kids content. Users can rent or buy movies to watch them.

7. Zee5:

Zee5 is another popular alternative to MoviesDA. It is a streaming service that allows users to watch all Indian movies and TV content. It is also available with both free and premium content.

Users can watch Hindi movies, Tamil movies, Telugu movies, Malayalam movies, Kannada movies, and many other Indian regional language movies online on Zee5.

It is also a legitimate movie streaming service.

Conclusion/Final Words:

MoviesDA is an alternative to free movie download sites without ads. It is an easy-to-use website. I have shared the best alternatives to MoviesDA to download the latest movies.


NYT Connections Game: Today’s Hints and Answers January 8, 2025

NYT Connections Game Today’s Hints and Answers January 8, 2025: eAskme
NYT Connections Game Today’s Hints and Answers January 8, 2025: eAskme

NYT Connections hints and answers are available for January 8, 2025. It’s Friday, with a new NYT connections game puzzle.

NYT Connections 8th January 2025:

NYT Connections January 8, 2025 is a puzzle game by the New York Times. Here are the hints and answers to play “NYT Connections” on 8th January 2025.

How to Play NYT Connections in January 8, 2025?

NYT Connections 8th January 2025 with 4 categories such as Section, Accessories For Paying An Instrument, Distinctive Features Of An Elephant, and Words Misspelled In Nu Metal Band Names.

Today’s NYT Connections Hints January 8th, 2025:

Arrange 16 words in Today’s NYT Connections 8th January 2025 in 4 groups.

  • Wing
  • Limb
  • Division
  • Branch
  • Pick
  • Mallet
  • Drumstick
  • Bow
  • Tusk
  • Trunk
  • Memory
  • Ear
  • Stained
  • Lincoln
  • Corn
  • Biscuit

8th January 2025 NYT Connections Hints are:

  • Yellow Group related to Section
  • Green Group related to Accessories For Paying An Instrument
  • Blue Group related to Distinctive Features Of An Elephant
  • Purple Group is Words Misspelled In Nu Metal Band Names

8th January 2025 NYT Connections Answers:

  • Yellow Group (Section) = [Wing, Limb, Division, Branch]
  • Green Group (Accessories For Paying An Instrument) = [Pick, Mallet, Drumstick, Bow]
  • Blue Group (Distinctive Features Of An Elephant) = [Tusk, Trunk, Memory, Ear]
  • Purple Group (Words Misspelled In Nu Metal Band Names) = [Stained, Lincoln, Corn, Biscuit]

I played NYT Connections on 8th January 2025.


Use these are the hints and answers to play NYT Connections puzzle game on 8th January 2025. Play NYT connections with these hints and answers.

Stay tuned for daily NYT Connections hints and answers!

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Pedrovazpaulo Business Consultant Executive Coaching Solution Guide!

Pedrovazpaulo Business Consultant and executive coaching is popular among professionals. It empowers you with the necessary skills to grow your business. Develop the habit of adapting new skills and getting rid of outdated tactics.

This is where Pedrovazpaulo is the best.

Pedrovazpaulo business consultant solutions help small-mid-large businesses fix issues. It helps in offering growth hacking strategies to expand your business.

At the same time, Pedrovazpaulo executive coaching helps you become a better executive. It also teaches you how to plan and execute a project effectively.

Here is everything you must know about Pedrovazpaulo, its business consultant, and executive coaching solutions.

Pedrovazpaulo Business Consultant executive coaching: eAskme
Pedrovazpaulo Business Consultant Executive Coaching Solution: eAskme

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What is Pedrovazpaulo?

Pedrovazpaulo is a professional platform that offers business consultancy and executive coaching services.

The goal of the company is to empower businesses as well as executives to perform their tasks in a disciplined manner. It not only outlines the path but also creates milestones to make it easy for you to achieve them.

Pedrovazpaulo offers two types of services:

  • Pedrovazpaulo Business Consultant
  • Pedrovazpaulo Executive Coaching

Pedrovazpaulo Business Consultant:

Pedrovazpaulo Business Consultant is an expert-level service to take your business on a growth path. The Pedrovazpaulo experts consult with mid-large businesses.

It uses this data to outline the growth framework. Following Pedro Vaz Paulo's guidelines helps businesses expand their reach.

Pedrovazpaulo Executive Coaching:

Pedrovazpaulo Executive Coaching is not only for executives but also for businesses. The executive coaching program helps you learn the ways to identify the problem. It also enhances problem-solving skills.

It guides you on how to understand clients’ issues, how to find errors, how to work on solutions, and how to grow the business.

Pedrovazpaulo Executive Coaching helps you to become a better executive and CEO. It analyzes the leadership abilities. If you possess any, then the platform tells you to enhance it. If you don’t have leadership skills, then it reaches you.

Top Rated Pedrovazpaulo Business Consultant Executive Coaching Programs:

Pedrovazpaulo offers 3 different consultancy and coaching programs to help you grow your business.

Basic (6 Months):

Pedrovazpaulo entrepreneurs join the basic program works as the foundation for your growth.

Here is what you learn:

  • Communication skills
  • Planning and Goals
  • Development plan based on your existing abilities.
  • Develop leadership skills.

Advanced (12 Months)

Pedrovazpaulo's advanced plan helps you master the art of finance and management.

Here is what you learn:

  • Critical thinking skills
  • Skills to influence others
  • Leadership skills
  • Basic investment skills to grow the company in the long run.

Platinum (18-month course)

The Pedrovazpaulo platinum course takes more than 18 months to complete. It is best for PedrovazPaulo IT consulting and PedrovazPaulo financial consulting.

Here is what you learn:

  • CEO-level leadership and communication skills.
  • Feedback collection and data filtering
  • Improve tech and financial skills.

Benefits of Pedrovazpaulo Business Consultant and Executive Coaching Programs:

Pedrovazpaulo coaching programs are open for users. You can learn Pedrovazpaulo operations consulting, executive coaching, business consulting, emotional intelligence, and social media skills.

Pedrovazpaulo experts share their business consultant expertise in these programs. When you learn from the industry leaders, you get to solve real-time problems.

Here are the benefits of Pedrovazpaulo coaching:

Identify problems:

The Pedrovazpaulo Business Consultant program helps you solve the major problems in online business. It is the problem identification.

I met a lot of businesses, and they always complain that the business is not profitable. However, they are not able to identify the root cause of this.

Pedrovazpaulo coaching helps you learn how to identify issues. It is the first step to solve the problem.

Set Goals and Objectives:

Running an online business without a goal will not lead you anywhere. It is a must to set up your expectations and goals.

Write down your long-term and short-term goals. Pedrovazpaulo Business Consulting provides expert tips to set business goals.


In the dynamic business world, collaboration and cooperation are what you need to excel in your business.

Pedrovazpaulo Operations Consulting is what you need. It teaches you the right way to engage with clients, competitors, human resource, and teams. Team engagement is necessary to make the business successful.

IT Solution:

Pedrovazpaulo IT Consulting provides IT solutions. Your technology and devices can get outdated with time.

PedrovazPaulo saves you from all the headaches. Its team analyzes your system problems and fixes them to keep them productive.

Business efficiency and productivity:

B2B business services are necessary to make the business productive and efficient.

Pedrovazpaulo Financial Consulting Solutions solves this problem. You get financial advice from experts to manage your funds. It guides you on how to run operations smoothly.

Should I choose Pedrovazpaulo Business Consultant and Executive Coaching?

Your choice of Pedrovazpaulo Business Consultant and executive coaching depends upon the growth factor. If you want to grow your business, then Pedrovazpaulo Business Consultant is for you.

Enhance your business and team skills with Pedrovazpaulo Executive Coaching.

Pedrovazpaulo is using the latest technologies to understand and solve business problems. It provides expert support to cater to B2B needs.

Conclusion/Final Words:

Pedrovazpaulo Business Consultant and executive coaching service work as a growth hacking strategy. It starts with the business launch and works till the success of your online business.

Team management, financial planning, business framework, competitive collaborations, and marketing guides—everything is there with Pedrovazpaulo marketing consulting.

Go to Pedro Vaz Paulo and learn your way to be a successful entrepreneur or freelancer.

Pedro Vaz Paulo FAQs:

What is Pedro Vaz Paulo Business Consultant Solution?
Pedro Vaz Paulo is an online business consulting solution. It analyzes client business and provides recommendations, tools, and guidance to be successful.

How does Pedro Vaz Paulo's executive coaching benefit my business?
Pedro Vaz Paulo executive coaching helps you learn CEO skills like leadership, team management, resource management, planning, and execution.

How Pedro Vaz Paulo Marketing Consulting Can Help My Business?
Pedro Vaz Paulo's marketing consulting solutions provide excellent marketing strategies. It plans your social media campaigns to increase their influence.

Who Should Use Pedrovazpaulo Business Consultant and Executive Coaching?
Any person or business that wants to grow should use business consulting services. Consulting an expert helps in identifying problems and solutions. It saves time and is productive.


OpenAI Losing Money on ChatGPT Pro Plan: Here Is How and Why

Sam Altman claimed that OpenAI Pro plan users are using the tool so much that the company is losing money. The notable thing is that ChatGPT Pro is the costliest program of OpenAI.

ChatGPT Pro subscription costs $200 per month, and users get unlimited access to ChatGPT and the Sora video generator.

OpenAI Losing Billions of Dollars on ChatGPT Pro Plan: Here Is How and Why?
OpenAI Losing Money on ChatGPT Pro Plan: Here Is How and Why?

ChatGPT Pro Plan and OpenAI lose:

ChatGPT first launched in November 2022 and revolutionized the generative AI technology.

It started as a free service, but later, the company launched a $20/month premium subscription for users.
But many are not satisfied with the $20 plan.

The company has launched the ChatGPT Pro plan with a subscription cost of $200/month.

With this plan, users get unlimited access to OpenAI o1, GPT-4o, Advanced Voice, and the Sora AI video generator.

The user has also started using ChatGPT as a search engine. The company’s SearchGPT is the tool helping users.

All these tools and features are adding extra costs to computation power and electricity.

How much is OpenAI losing?

According to the New York Times, in an OpenAI-ChatGPT investor funding article, the company lost $5 billion in 2024.

How is OpenAI losing money?

According to Sam Altman, ChatGPT pro users are using the available tools and features more than the price they are paying.

As there is no limit on ChatGPT use in the ChatGPT Pro plan, users are doing everything with it.

It has increased the computing power cost, which is more than the revenue of the company.

The data centres and electricity consumption are higher, and OpenAI must bear it because of the unlimited ChatGPT Pro plan.

What is the significance of this?

Sam Altman’s revelation of OpenAI’s losses also suggests that the company has plans to either increase the cost of the Pro plan or launch separate plans for different features.

OpenAI may launch a separate subscription plan for the Sora AI video generator.


The ChatGPT Pro plan is not a failure of the company’s strategies. Still, it explains the user’s interest in OpenAI tools and features.

The increased computation cost will make OpenAI raise the subscription cost of its basic and Pro plans.

Investors also want to make OpenAI profitable and to do so; they need to find ways to make the company profitable.

Other helpful resources:


NYT Connections Game: Today’s Hints and Answers January 7, 2025

NYT Connections Game Today’s Hints and Answers January 7, 2025: eAskme
NYT Connections Game Today’s Hints and Answers January 7, 2025: eAskme

NYT Connections hints and answers are available for January 7, 2025. It’s Friday, with a new NYT connections game puzzle.

NYT Connections 7th January 2025:

NYT Connections January 7, 2025 is a puzzle game by the New York Times. Here are the hints and answers to play “NYT Connections” on 7th January 2025.

How to Play NYT Connections in January 7, 2025?

NYT Connections 7th January 2025 with 4 categories such as Vocal Music, A Handful Of, Book Subtitles, and ___ is _____ is ____.

Today’s NYT Connections Hints January 7th, 2025:

Arrange 16 words in Today’s NYT Connections 7th January 2025 in 4 groups.

  • Madrigal
  • Some
  • Doo-Wop
  • A Novel
  • A Cappella 
  • Various
  • Part one
  • A Deal
  • A life
  • Enough
  • Certain
  • A Rose
  • Essay
  • barbershop
  • Love
  • A few

7th January 2025 NYT Connections Hints are:

  • Yellow Group related to Vocal Music
  • Green Group related to A Handful Of
  • Blue Group related to Book Subtitles
  • Purple Group is depicted in synonyms for rear end minus last letter

7th January 2025 NYT Connections Answers:

  • Yellow Group (Vocal Music) = [Madrigal, Doo-wop, Barbershop, Cappella]
  • Green Group (A Handful Of) = [Various, Some, Certain, A Few]
  • Blue Group (Book Subtitles) = [Part One, Essays, A Novel, A Life]
  • Purple Group (____ is _____ is ____) = [Love, Enough, A Rose, A Deal]

I played NYT Connections on 7th January 2025.


Use these are the hints and answers to play NYT Connections puzzle game on 7th January 2025. Play NYT connections with these hints and answers.

Stay tuned for daily NYT Connections hints and answers!

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NVIDIA Blackwell GeForce RTX 50 Series Guide!

Nvidia launched the Geforce RTX 50 series graphics cards based on the NVIDIA Blackwell architecture. These GPUs are using fourth-generation RT cores and 5th-generation Tensor cores.

With the Geforce RTX 50 series, Nvidia is heading its foot in breakthrough technologies like AI rendering, neural sharding, etc.

NVIDIA Blackwell GeForce RTX 50 series Guide: eAskme
NVIDIA Blackwell GeForce RTX 50 series Guide: eAskme

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Here is everything you must know about the NVIDIA Blackwell GeForce RTX 50 series:

NVIDIA Blackwell GeForce RTX 50 series:

NVIDIA has revealed the Blackwell GeForce RTX 50 series graphics cards. These cards are using the most powerful GPU in their series.

Nvidia graphics cards are always in demand among gamers and researchers. Whenever you need a high-end graphics card to process HD graphics and better FPS, you choose NVIDIA cards.

Due to the high demand and limited availability, the price of Nvidia graphics cards varies from country to country.

For example, the GeForce RTX 4090 is listed on the Nvidia website at a starting price of $1599. But in India, it can cost you around $2939.88.

What is NVIDIA Blackwell Architecture?

The NVIDIA Blackwell Architecture is the GPU architecture for generative AI & HPC. It features six transformative technologies to unlock accelerated computing and breakthroughs in every field of research and gaming.

Features of NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50 Series Graphics Cards:

Nvidia has revealed 4 GeForce RTX 50 series graphics cards, such as:
  • GeForce RTX 5070 starting at $549
  • GeForce RTX 5070 Ti starting at $749
  • GeForce RTX 5080 starting at $999
  • GeForce RTX 5070 starting at $1999

Common Features of NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50 Series Graphics Cards:

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50 series graphics cards have some common features, such as:

  • Powered by Blackwell
  • 5th generation tension cores and 4th generation ray tracing cores.
  • GDDR7 memory
  • 4K at 480Hz or 8K at 120Hz with DSC
  • 3x DisplayPort connectors and 1x HDMI
  • Up to 4 monitor support
  • CUDA capability 12.8
  • 2 card slots

Compare NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50 Series Graphics Cards:

GeForce RTX 5090 GeForce RTX 5080 GeForce RTX 5070 Ti GeForce RTX 5070
NVIDIA CUDA® Cores 21760 10752 8960 6144
5th Generation Tensor Cores (AI) 3352 AI TOPS 1801 AI TOPS 1406 AI TOPS 988 AI TOPS
4th Generation Ray Tracing Cores 318 TFLOPS 171 TFLOPS 133 TFLOPS 94 TFLOPS
Boost Clock (GHz) 2.41 2.62 2.45 2.51
Standard Memory Config GDDR7 32 GB 16 GB 16 GB 12 GB
Memory Interface Width 512-bit 256-bit 256-bit 192-bit
Maximum GPU Temperature (in C) 90 88 88 85
Total Graphics Power 575 W 360 W 300 W 250 W
Required System Power 1000 W 850 W 750 W 650 W
Required Power Connectors 4x PCIe 8-pin cables OR 1x 600 W PCIe Gen 5 cable 3x PCIe 8-pin cables OR 1x 450 W or greater PCIe Gen 5 cable 2x PCIe 8-pin cables OR 300 W or greater PCIe Gen 5 cable 2x PCIe 8-pin cables OR 300 W or greater PCIe Gen 5 cable


The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50 Series is the most powerful GPU series from NVIDIA for gamers, developers, and researchers. If you are a beginner gamer, then you can start with the GeForce RTX 5070. But if you need an end-to-end gaming experience, then the GeForce RTX 5090 is for you.

Note: The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40 series is still available in the market. You can use them as an affordable alternative to the GeForce RTX 50 Series.


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Gaurav Kumar

Gaurav Kumar is the founder of eAskme.com. He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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