July 26, 2014

How to Create an Email List Form on GoDaddy

By Sona Mathews
GoDaddy give you service to buy domains and hosting for your websites. Each time you buy domain it give you feature to create mailing list for that domain.

How to Create an Email List Form on GoDaddy : eAskme

How to Create an Email List Form on GoDaddy ?
  1. Open https://IP address of yoru server and “:9999/” to open control panel and hit "enter". 
  2. Enter login deetails and click on login.
  3. Click on “Mailing Lists".
  4. Click on “Edit”on mailing list configuration page.
  5. Click on the Add New List”.
  6. Enter “Mailing list name”.
  7. Enter email of owner in “Owner email address” and password in "password".
  8. Click on "Save".

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