July 22, 2014

How to Upload a Website to GoDaddy.com

By Sona Mathews
When you want to publish your website first you need to have your website designed by yourself or by some professional. After that you buy domain and hosting and then you will Upload your website to the server to get it publish. 

How to Upload a Website to GoDaddy.com : eAskme

How to Upload a Website to GoDaddy ?
  • Open FTP client and enter your GoDaddy Hosting username and password. You can either use a thirs party FTP  or You can use GoDadd FTP also. If you want to use GoDaddy FTP than go to "Hosting" and click on "Manage Account". Click on "FTP".
  • Move the folder to the server where your files are stored.
  • Go to Website HTML files on your PC.
  • After login to your FTP Client Drag and Drop Files to the server from your PC.
  • Open your website to see if everything uploaded properly.
  • Check all Links and tags.
  • Once its done you can start promoting your site.

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