August 05, 2014

How to Embed a Poll in a Blogger Post

By Sonia
Blogger is one of the best blogging platform. You can easily customize it. If you want to add a poll in your blog you can easily do it by following these steps:

How to Embed a Poll in a Blogger Post : eAskme
How to Embed a Poll in a Blogger Post : eAskme
How to Embed a Poll in a Blogger Post ?
  • Go to poll-making website such as Easypolls, Toluna and Polldaddy.

  • Click on "Create Account" on poll making site.

  • Login to Poll-making wesbite.

  • Click on "Poll" or "Create" to start creating poll.

  • Type the question and possible reasons.

  • Click  on "Create Poll" or "Save" then an HTML code will popup..

  • Copy this code

  • Login to

  • Click on "New Post".

  • Click "HTML".

  • Paste teh code where you want it to show

  • Enter the Title.

  • Click on "Publish".

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