August 04, 2014

How to Publish on Amazon

By Sonia
If you want to sell your book on Amazon than publish your book on Amazon Kindle or CreateSpace.

How to Publish on Amazon : eAskme
How to Publish on Amazon : eAskme

How to Publish on Amazon ?

Publishing on Kindle :

  1. Login to

  2. Go to "Kindle Publishing".

  3. Click on "Sign in".

  4. Click on Agree on popup.

  5. "Add a new title".

  6. Enter title and description in "Book Basics".

  7. Enter all details in "Publishing Details".

  8. If you have cover then upload on "Product Image".

  9. Click "browse book" and upload your book.

  10. Fill "Rights and Pricing".

  11. Click on "Save and Publish".

  12. Now click on "publish".

Publishing on CreateSpace :

  • Login to

  • Make CreateSpace account.

  • Go to CreateSpace "Dashboard".

  • Choose "Add New Title".

  • Enter information of book in the form.

  • Upload PDF of book and cover by "Browse".

  • Enter pricing details.

  • Select "Amazon" as source for publishing.

  • Submit the form. CreateSpace can take up to 15 business days to publish book on Amazon.

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