August 29, 2014

How to Upload a Joomla Site to GoDaddy

By Sonia
Joomla is a free, open-source CMS (Content Management System). A Content Management System organizes and tracks all information on website, including videos, photos, documents, music, text and presents in an easy-to-use interface. Go Daddy is world`s top web hosting provider and domain registrar. Joomla requires a Linux server that is already available on GoDaddy so you can upload your site to your Go Daddy and host on Linux server. 

How to Upload a Joomla Site to GoDaddy : eAskme
How to Upload a Joomla Site to GoDaddy : eAskme

How to Upload a Joomla Site on GoDaddy ?
  • Login to

  • Click on "Hosting".

  • Click on "Manage".

  • Click on "Content".

  • Click on "GoDaddy Hosting Connection".

  • Click on "Content  Management".

  • Click on "Joomla".

  • Click on "Install Now".

  • Select the domain name and click on "Continue".

  • Enter database password two times then click on "Next". Your SQL database will create automatically.

  • Enter name of directory for Joomla installation then click on "Next".

  • Enter username for "Superadministrator". Enter password and and email account.

  • Click on "Install Joomla Sample Content".

  • Click on "Finish".

  • Click on "My Applications".

  • When installation finish then installation status will change to "Installed".

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