December 02, 2014

How to Write Perfect SEO Optimized Blog Post

The best way to get traffic for your older posts is to make them search engine friendly. As in long-term it`s search engines that provide traffic to your old posts. We have already talked about 5 Smart and Quick Ways to Promote Old Posts from Your Blog. Today we will discuss about awesome tips for writing SEO Optimized Articles. This will help your posts to rank better in search engines and get better ranking.
How to Write Perfect SEO Optimized Blog Post : eAskme
How to Write Perfect SEO Optimized Blog Post : eAskme
Other people are reading : 5 Smart and Quick Ways to Promote Old Posts from Your Blog

WordPress Seo Article

We are running my sites and blog where authors are working alltime to write quality and SEO optimized articles. Sometimes when quality drop, it happens because where author write article without knowledge of search engine optimization. When we talk about search engine ranking, every single post itself is a webpage. You should optimize every single post for specific keywords for search engine. Now we will discuss few things, that you you need to remember when writing a blog post.

When I let other authors to write on my sites and blog, I give them some checklist and also check their writings every-time they send for approval. If you want to write an article on my blog then you have to follow that checklist.  This checklist help EASKME readers to come up with better SEO optimized articles.

As we have already discussed about keyword research so I am not talking abut that in this article.

Letter to Our Blog Authors:

Hi Guys
We have been working hard on eAskme, WikiHealthBlog and iOSCrunch to keep them as the best blogs in their respective niche and we are focusing on providing valuable articles everyday. But it seems that this is making some content farms. This is the reason why I am writing you this Email to explain certain things, So you can write quality optimized articles.

So read this email throughly.
Some of you are ignoring basiscs of SEO.

This is for SEO point of view to make everything better.
SEO Optimized Articles Writing:

Post Title and Meta title:

The very first thing you should focus is meta title and post title.

  •     Post Meta title: This is for search engines to see in results.
  •     Post title: This is what reader will see.

It is important to have keywords in post title and meta title. Post title is H1 tag.

For better understanding read : How to optimize post title for Search engine and readers.

Tip: Always create post title less than 66 characters

Post Meta Keywords:

Meta keywords are the crucial part of the post. Focus your on traffic and ranking aspects of post. Never use generic keywords in every single post. For example If you article a post about RSS reader for iPhone and you choose to use keywords like iPhone App, iPhone application, Pulse, RSS reader, these are generic keywords and certainly not good.

How to make it better:

You need to think like a visitor. think what people search on Google. for example if i liek to use Best iPhone RSS reader app to find the information.

This term is easy to rank because of long tail keyword and help visitors find your posts easily.

Use Keyword research tool or tool like Traffic Travis to see Keyword competition and searches/month. This will help you to pick the best Keyword. Now, use the same Keyword in your post title, post description and in Meta keywords. Though, Google says they don’t give any weight-age to Meta keywords, so you can ignore this. But, in such case always try to bold your keyword within post.

Optimize Title:

  •     Topic: Best iPhone RSS reader application
  •     Keywords: Pulse iPhone RSS reader or Best iPhone RSS reader.

Use your keywords in the post and make a proper keyword density, always mention keywords in the post. Google find your post by keywords in title and keywords in the post. If it doesnt see the keyword in the post then it can think post as spammed post.

Image Alt attribute:

Usually bloggers ignore this important thing. People find best post but they always forget to ooptimizethose images, like the image with name img01.jpg.I recommend to keep name of image same as post. For example, If you take a screen shot of Adsense then name it as adsense. But this is not targeted, so you should use name such as Adsense dashboard. You can also use Wordpress plugin "SEO friendly Image". You can also manually edit image name. Use one keyword per image and you will see the positive effects.

Anchor text and Interlinking:

We have already talked about what is Anchor text and importance of interlinking to write a new post. It is always good to link yoru old posst with new posts. This will help search engine to crawl your old posts and help your old post to get traffic. Always use Anchor text while interlinking posts. Use main keyword as Anchor text.

You can also use WordPress insights plugin to help quick intelinking.

Remove stop words in permalink:

Usually I have seen that Blogger use stop words in post title . We have a list of Stop Words for you to check and stop using them in permalink. Also never edit your permalink after publishing a post.

Headings H1, H2, H3:

Always use proper heading tags H1, H2, H3 as it is really important for SEO. If your theme is default SEO optimized then your titles show in H1. You can use H2 and H3 as sub headings.

It is always recommended to use main keywords in headings H1, H2, H3 Tags.


  •     Optimized Post title (Use Keywords in Post title and H1, H2, H3 )
  •     Post Permalink (Never use Stop Words)
  •     Interlinking with Anchor text
  •     Keyword in Image Alt text
  •     Optimize Post meta description
  •     Post Meta keywords (You can ignore)
  •     Link to an external high MOZrank source.

We are humans and we do make mistakes, but the good thing is that we should learn from our mistakes and produce quality optimized articles.

If you have any question do ask me in comments. If you think that I have missed something, I will be honored to see your suggestions. IF you like this article, feel free to share it on twitter and Google Plus. Happy Blogging!
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