April 08, 2015

DuckDuckGo’s Instant Answers Help You Find the Best Parking Spot, and More

By Sonia
DuckDuckGo is one of the popular search engines. DuckDuckGo a Privacy-focused search engine. It has announced the addition of various new Instant Answers to help you find more relevant content of what you need.
DuckDuckGo’s New Instant Answers Help You Find the Best Parking Spot, and More : eAskme
DuckDuckGo’s New Instant Answers Help You Find the Best Parking Spot, and More : eAskme
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DuckDuckGo Instant Answers are similar to Google quick answers. They also provide what searchers are looking for without clicking through to another site.

Three types of Instant Answers:
  • Parking: If you search for “parking near…..” with destination of your choice, DuckDuckGo will return a show you nearest lots and corresponding prices.
  • Online Courses: You can even search “online courses”  for the subject of your choice.
  • UV Risk Factor: Search for “UV index” and you’ll get the UV risk factor for your location.

DuckDuckGo Instant Answers closed for now.

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