August 03, 2014

How to Add Analytics to Blogspot

By Sonia
Blogspot and Blogger both are same thing. In order to track visitors to your blog posts the best tool you can use is Google Analytics. you can sign in in Google Analytics with your google blogspot username and password.

How to Add Analytics to Blogspot : easkme
How to Add Analytics to Blogspot : easkme

How to Add Analytics to Blogspot

  • Go to Google Analytics Homepage  by here and Sign In.

  • Click on the "Sign Up for Google Analytics".

  • Enter your Blog URL and blog name when asked.

  • Enter your phone number and name.

  • Copy the generated code.

  • Now Login to Blogger account.

  • Go to "Template" and click on "HTML". Now Paste the copied code before </body> and save changes.

  • Now open Google Analytics page and click on test to check if you have properly entered the code.

  • Click view reports to check details on Google Analytics.

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