September 02, 2014

Maximum Number of Allowed Google Adsense Units in a Single Page

After getting approval of Adsense next step is placing ads. Google Adsense is one of the best contextual ad and high paying network. Google adsense have strict policies and if they find that you are violating any policy then they will ban your account. So always follow adsense policies.

You Should Always know the maximum number of Adsense Ad units Allowed on A Single Page.

Maximum Number of Adsense Ad Unit : eAskme
Maximum Number of Adsense Ad Unit : eAskme

Types of Ads that Google Adsense Offer :
  • Adsense Content Unit

  • Adsense Link Unit

  • Adsense for Search

Maximum Number of Adsense Ad Units:

Adsense Content Units :
You can add maximum of 3 content ad unit. sizes of content units are 336*280, 300*250, 250*250, 200*200, 120*240, 180*150, 160*600, 300*600, 120*600, 125*125, 234*60, 468*60, 728*90.

These days 336*280, 728*90, 160*600 and 300*600 are very popular among publishers. But always remember that ads number should not increase more than 3.

Adsense Link Unit :
Google Adsense ad units perform when when it`s blended with your theme and place above fold. You can place maximum number of 3 link units. Here you can check the size of Adsense link units.

Adsense for Search
You can ad maximum of 2 Adsense for Search units on a page.

My experience say that two units work better than 3 units. Place ad above the fold work better.

Please let us know how many ad units you are using ? How well they are performing?

Man Behind eAskme

Gaurav Kumar

Gaurav Kumar is the founder of He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online entrepreneur. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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