November 27, 2014

How to Add Meta Description In Every Post In Blogger

By Sonia
We all know that blogger also have search preference section. Search preference section help bloggers to make their blogs more search engine friendly. So today we discuss about search preference section to make blog more search engine friendly. The very first thing that everyone need to know is Meta Description. Earlier we were not able to add meta description in blogger posts. But now with search preference tab blogger allow us to write meta description for each blog post. So now you can write description for each of your blog post without doing anything in coding. So let`s see how you can use search preferences section.

Add Meta Description In Every Post In Blogger : eAskme
Add Meta Description In Every Post In Blogger : eAskme
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What is Meta Description?

Meta description is an important element of XML or HTML that describes the about post to search engines. In simple worlds it tell search engines that your article is about which topic and this help search engine to place your post in search engine for relevant searches. Met description also show in search result page that help user to now bout the topic of the page.

How to Add Meta Description In Every Post With Blogger

Simply the follow the below steps.

  •     Go To Blogger
  •     Go to Settings 
  •     Go to Search Preferences
  •     Find Meta Tags Section
  •     Select "Yes".
  •     Now write your meta description and make sure it should not go more than 150 characters.
  •     Click on Save Changes!

Now here is one problem! If you are using custom blogger template then continue reading this. The problem is that sometimes custom blogger templates doesn't work with these meta tags but if you are using blogger default template then it's fine. In order to work properly meta tags with custom blogger templates you will need to insert an short XML code in your template which we will solve this issue. Simple follow the below steps.

  •     Go To Blogger 
  •     Go to Template 
  •     Click on "Edit HTML"
  •     Search For <head>
  •     Copy below code and Paste Below <head> tag

    <b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;'>
    <meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>

  •     Click on "Save Template" 
This way you added meta tags for homepage. Now do next step.

Also see : How to Add Unique Meta Tag to Blogger

Adding Meta Tags In Every Post

I believe you have enabled meta description in your template, so now its time to add meta description in every post. Now when you edit a post or create new post you will see "Search Description" section in the right sidebar. Write your meta description for that article there. When you enable meta description for homepage then this search preference also get enabled.

Final Words : Your Turn

So fans, friends and followers,This is how you can use meta tags in search preferences settings. It is really easy and useful. If you have any issue, do let us know in comments. Also subscribe us to get more updates. Happy Blogging!

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