November 27, 2014

How To Add Google Custom Search Engine in Blogger

We already know that Google Search is no1 in all search engines. Today we will discuss about to a widget, Custom Google Search that will improve the navigation and blog search of you blog. Custom search is a part of Google search that allow blogger to configure Google search according to their own way and add that widget in their blog.

Google Custom Search Engine for Blogger : eAskme
How To Add Google Custom Search Engine in Blogger : eAskme
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Today we also discuss how to add Google custom search engine in Blogger blog. These days, usually most of the blogger templates  already have built-in default custom search engine boxes that are not much effective to give exact result they do not follow such strong algorithm like Google search. So it is always recommended to add Google custom search engine.

Also see : Google Crawling and Indexing

Everything About Google Custom Search Engine? 

Custom search is a product of Google, just like Blogger, Gmail  and YouTube, custom search engine if good for inner site search only. If you have hundreds of pages on your site then it be difficult to set navigation for all those. So its better to use search engine that will help visitors to navigate easily everything on your blog just by using search box and search box will show them the exact content they are looking for. Isn`t it easy?

If you do not know how Google custom search engine works? let`s show you. We already know that Google is a perfect search engine. Google uses various factors to bring up correct and exact search results and Google uses same formula in custom search engine. That`s why we recommend it to you, to use Google custom search engine on your blog.

Also see : How to Make Money with Google Custom Search

Google custom search engine also allows you to make money by monetizing search result pages. To monetize you need to have approved Google AdSense account. Google Adsense also allow you to use Google custom search and enable monetization. It can take some time to activate. Google displays ads in custom search result pages. These ads are relevant to keywords that user is searching and you get paid for this.

Google custom search engine has allow you to image search, enable voice search, customize the theme and many more options. You can also change layout style of custom search box. you can also use your own search box to display custom search engine.

How To Add Google Custom Search Engine in Blogger?

  •     Go To Custom Search Engine 
  •     Click on "Create a search engine"
  •     Insert blog URL in "Sites to search"
  •     Choose Language.
  •     Enter engine name
  •     Click on "Create"
  •     Click on "Get code"
  •     Copy the code. 
  •     Go To Blogger 
  •     Go To Layout 
  •     Click on "Add a Gadget"
  •     Click on "HTML/JavaScript"
  •     Paste code in "Content Box"
  •     Click on "Save"
  •     Click on "Save Arrangements"
  •     Congratulations! You have created and installed your very own custom search engine.
With custom search engine you can do lot more things like customizing theme according to your own blog design, Change layout, enable voice search, enabling monetization, and image search or disable and much more.

Final Words

So, This is about Google custom search engine and we hope that you have enjoying installing Google custom search engine. Add this search box. remove any other Blogger search box you using on your site and implemented Google custom search now. Also share this article with your friends on social network. Happy Blogging!

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Mr. Kumar

He is the founder of He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online entrepreneur. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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