November 26, 2014

How To Add Beautiful Flat UI Buttons in Blogger

By Sonia
Bloggers are professionals and it is important for a professional blogger to have a professional design. Professional designs have its own benefits. Bloggers and webmasters always keep experimenting with new themes and widgets to make their blog attractive and user friendly. The deisgn of blog always need to be user friendly and SEO friendly. We have already talked about colorful Flat UI label cloud widget for blogger and we have recieved lot of appreciation for that article, so today we are going to discuss about Flat UI element for blogs that is Flat UI buttons for blogger.

Beautiful Flat UI Buttons - Review

These Flat UI design buttons are actually beautiful which help us to bring awesomeness to design. You can customize these buttons in different colors and sizes. There are three sizes big, medium and small. You can choose Flat UI color for buttons according to your own choice. The best thing is that these buttons are coded in CSS3 and that`s why they don`t affect the speed of blog. These UI buttons work perfectly on all browsers.

How To Add Beautiful Flat UI Buttons in Blogger : eAskme
How To Add Beautiful Flat UI Buttons in Blogger : eAskme
Other People are reading : Free Responsive Blogger template

How To Add Beautiful Flat UI Buttons in Blogger?

It is really easy to add beautiful flat UI buttons in Blogger by following steps.


  •     Go To Blogger
  •     Go To Template
  •     Click on "Edit HTML" 
  •     Search For </head>
  •     Copy the Code from HERE and paste Above </head>
  •     Click on "Save template"

Adding Flat UI Buttons in Blogger 

You can easily use flat UI buttons anywhere in your blog post or blog design.

Here are the designs of Flat UI Buttons

Big Size Buttons

<a class="button blue big" href="">Blue Button</a>
<a class="button green big" href="">Green Button</a>
<a class="button red big" href="">Red Button</a>
<a class="button purple big" href="">Purple Button</a>
<a class="button seagreen big" href="">SeaGreen </a>

Medium Size Buttons

<a class="button blue medium" href="">Blue Button</a>
<a class="button green medium" href="">Green Button</a>
<a class="button red medium" href="">Red Button</a>
<a class="button purple medium" href="">Purple Button</a>
<a class="button seagreen medium" href="">SeaGreen</a>

Small Size Buttons

<a class="button blue small" href="">Blue Button</a>
<a class="button green small" href="">Green Button</a>
<a class="button red small" href="">Red Button</a>
<a class="button purple small" href="">Purple Button</a>
<a class="button seagreen small" href="">SeaGreen </a>

Replace site name "eAskme" with your blog URL and text and it`s done.

Final Words

These are Flat UI Buttons for Blogger. If you face any issue adding these buttons, feel free to ask in comments. If you like this article do share on twitter and Google Plus. Keep coming on eAskme for the upcoming hot dishes.
Big Size Buttons   
Blue Button
Green Button
Red Button
Purple Button
Medium Size Buttons
Blue Button
Green Button
Red Button
Purple Button
Small Size Buttons 
Blue Button
Green Button
Red Button
Purple Button

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