December 07, 2014

How to Add Google Analytics To WordPress Blog

By Sonia
In the beginning of my blogging career, I was thinking that Blogging stats just to check traffic of blog, but soon I realized that these status details help us to grow our blog. No matter you have small or huge traffic, you should always have a status program to analyze the performance of your blog. Google analytics is one of the best and free stats program that is a must have feature for every single blog. Today we will discuss about setting up Google analytics account and adding Google analytics into WordPress blog.

How to Add Google Analytics To WordPress Blog : eAskme
How to Add Google Analytics To WordPress Blog : eAskme
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I have made this article simple so even non-technical guys can understand about Google analytics & WordPress integration.

How to Setup Google Analytics Account

Lets start with Google analytics account for WordPress blog. You can add many websites by repeating same process. If you are using it for the first time then you should go to Google Analytics page and login with your gmail id. You need to add website details and personal details to get started. If you already have Google analytics account then click on admin tab, click on select account and add new property.
Now add website details to get tracking code.
  • Click on "get tracking ID".
  • Not you will see tracking id.
So I believe till nwo you have successfully created Google analytics account and created the tracking ID. Now the next step is to integrate Google analytics tracking ID into WordPress blog.

3 ways to add Google Analytics to WordPress

There are 3 ways to add Google analytics (GA) into Wordpress blog.

Google tag manager:

I am using Google analytics since 2013 and it is the only tag manager for all my sites. It allow you to manage all tags. I personally recommend Google Tag manager to every serious blogger and professional. It hardly takes 2 minutes to setup. You need not to worry about it again.

Using your WordPress theme:

Many bloggers might not aware of the fact that most of WordPress themes have an option to add script in header and footer. You can use this to add Google Analytics tracking code into your blog.
  • Copy tracking code
  • Go to theme setting option
  • Go to add footer script 
  • Paste the code. 
  • It`s done.
Also see : How to Link Google Analytics with Google Adsense

Using Google Analytics for WordPress plugin

Wordpress also have many plugins to add Google analytics to a WordPress blog. I ppersonality recommend Google Analytics plugin by Yoast. You can install plugin from here. Activated the plugin and a popup ask you to allow or disallow tracking, Select “Do not allow tracking”.
  • Go to settings
  • Google analytics to configure the plugin 
  • Click on "click here to authenticate with Google" Or enter UA Code manually.
  • Click on save settings.
  • It`s done.
You can also check this official guide to configure all options. You can also use Analytify plugin to see Google Analytics data in WordPress Dashborad.

Final Words:

So friends, Followers and fans, these are the 3 options for adding Google Analytics to WordPress.  Do share which method you are using to add Google analytics to blog and if any other program you are using.  Don’t forget to share this on Google plus and Twitter.

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