April 03, 2015

Google Will No Longer “Trust” China’s Official Web Registrar

By Sonia
Google has announced on it`s official security blog that Google is not going to accept the registrations of new HTTPS certificates from the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), which is China’s official web registrar.

Google Will No Longer “Trust” China’s Official Web Registrar : eAskme
Google Will No Longer “Trust” China’s Official Web Registrar : eAskme
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CNNIC is dealing with all HTTPS certificates for entire Chinese web. Google has effectively prevented any Chinese websites from entering SSL system. This move have significant consequences.

Google has given reason that CNNIC is not being careful with granting HTTPS certificates. Recently one CNNIC’s certificates was used to carry out a cyber attack on Egyptian web company to perform man-in-the-middle attack.

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But there will not be any issues with  existing CNNIC HTTPS certificates, but new certificates will not be issued for unmentioned time.

CNNIC is working on re-certification through Google’s Certificate Transparency process. It can hope that Google may again allow it to issue HTTPS certificates.

There is n doubt that Google is trying to make web a safer place for everyone and their this decision will have some impact on Chinese webmasters.

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