March 10, 2015

Google Analysis Shows Over 80% Of HTTPS URLs Not Displaying In Google’s Search Results

Is your site HTTP or HTTPS? Do you know tht Google prefer HTTPS sites as secured sites. These days it`s really common to to see HTTPS sites. But still 80% of HTTPS URLs do not show in the Google search results. Google said that webmaster has not communicated to Google to display the HTTPS version.

Google Analysis Shows Over 80% Of HTTPS URLs Not Displaying In Google’s Search Results : eAskme
Google Analysis Shows Over 80% Of HTTPS URLs Not Displaying In Google’s Search Results : eAskme
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Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google, Gary Illyes said that more than 80% of HTTPS URLs are not showig in Google search results as HTTPS URLs. But they are showing as HTTP URLs because of webmaster configuration.

Accodig to the analysis Google found that the only reason why HTTPS URLs are not being displayed because HPPS is not configured in the webmaster and webmasters has instructed Google to display HTTP urls.

Gary said that in the rel-canonical and rel-alternate-hreflang, webmaster is using the HTTP in sitemap files.

If your site supports HTTPS, do set it in sitemap and in webmaster tools so search engines can see them.

So now you know why your HTTPS is not showing in Google search results and how to fix it.

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