July 15, 2014

How To Make A Blogger Blog Dofollow To Get More Comments

By Sona Mathews

Steps To Make Your Blogger Blog Comments as Dofollow:

How To Make A Blogger Blog Dofollow To Get More Comments : eAskme

1.Firstly backup your template.
2.Click on Template then Edit Html.
3.Then click on proceed.
4.Now Expand Widgets .
5.Then Search for the below link
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><data:comment.author/></a>
6.Then change nofollow as dofollow.

Now your blog is a dofollow blog.Once you make your blog dofollow then you have to spend a lot of time on moderating spam comments.You have to enable captcha and approve only good comments once you make your blog as dofollow.
Is your blog a dofollow blog????


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