July 14, 2014

How to Sell Your Own Published Book on Amazon

By Sona Mathews
With Amazon`s CreateSpace partnership program its easy to publish your own book and it also allow to previously published books to be added.

How to Sell Your Self-Published Book on Amazon?

How to Sell Your Previously Published Book on Amazon ?
  • Go to Amazon.com.

  • Click on the "Sell on Amazon" link.

  • Select "Sell a Little" or "Sell a Lot", according to your inventory.

  • Upload your books.

  • Customer see your books and purchase and Amazon send you payment.

How to Self-Publish with Amazon ?
  • Go to Amazon.cm

  • Click on "Self-Publish with Us".

  • Select the "CreateSpace".

  • You will see link to createspace.com click on that.

  • Create free account on  "CreateSpace.com".

  • Submit content and artwork.

  • Select networks where you wish to sell your books.

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