August 06, 2014

How to Make a Blog Button for Blogger

By Sonia
Blog Buttons are small graphic buttons that you create. With use of hyperlink to create buttons.

How to Make a Blog Button for Blogger: eAskme
How to Make a Blog Button for Blogger: eAskme

How to Make a Blog Button for Blogger ?

How to Create Blog Button ?
  • Go to

  • Click on "Get Started Now!".

  • Click "Upload Photo".

  • Use crop button to crop 125*125 pixels image.

  • Reset and set proportion.

  • Click on Create tab and set decoration.

  • Click on "text" and Add name of your blog.

  • Decorate image and click save.

Uploading Your button :
  • Login to

  • Click on "New post".

  • Click on Image button and add image that you want to use as Button.

  • After inserting image, click to select image and then click on "Link" button and Add hyperlink that you want to open when anyone click on that pic/button.

  • Click on "Publsih".

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