August 07, 2014

How to Put Rollover Buttons on a Blogger Site

By Sonia
Blogger is the best known blogging platform. Blogger is a product of Google.  You can customize blog and add rollover buttons on blogger blog.

How to Put Rollover Buttons on a Blogger Site : eAskme
     How to Put Rollover Buttons on a Blogger Site : eAskme
    How to Put Rollover Buttons on a Blogger Site ?
    • Create an image for button in some graphic designer software and save it as Button.gif

    • Create second image for button in some graphic designer software and save it as Button2.gif

    • Logint o

    • Click on "Insert a New Image".

    • Find Button.gif and insert it in your post.

    • Right click on Image and copy URL of image and copy in notepad.

    • Click on "Insert a New Image".

    • Find Button2.gif and insert it in your post.

    • Right click on Image and copy URL of image and copy in notepad.

    • Copy this code :
    <a href=""><img src="IMAGE" onmouseover="this.src='IMAGE2'" onmouseout="this.src='IMAGE1'" alt="Click Me"/></a>

    Change Yourblogname with name of your blog URL and replace IMAGE with URL of button.gif and replace IMAGE2 with URL of Button2.gif.
    • Go to "Layout".

    • Click on "HTML/javascript".

    • Enter this code that you have edited.

    • Click on "Save".

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