August 02, 2014

How to Set Up an Email Subscription for Blogger

By Sonia
Blogger or blogspot both are the same. You can add subscription widget with the help of feedburner.

How to Set Up an Email Subscription for Blogger : eAskme
How to Set Up an Email Subscription for Blogger : eAskme

How to Set Up an Email Subscription for Blogger ?

  • Login to

  • Open feedburner in other tab of browser.

  • Enter URL of blogger blog in "Burn a feed right this instant" box then click on "Next".

  • Select RSS or Atom then click on "Next".

  • Enter suffix then click on "next".

  • Click on "Skip directly to feed management" then click on "Publicize".

  • Select a language and click "Use as a widget in" then choose "Blogger". Click on "Go!".

  • Now on Blogger open your blog.

  • Click on "Add a Gadget" and add subscription signup box.

  • Go back to Feedburner.

  • Navigate back to Feedburner's website. Click on "Communication Preferences"to edit the confirmation email that subscribers receive.

  • Click on "Email Branding"to customize.

  • Click on "Delivery Options" link to edit settings.

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