August 06, 2014

How to Use a Domain Name With Blogger

By Sonia
By default blogger domains have at the end. But if you have your own domain than you can use that on blogger blog.

How to Use a Domain Name With Blogger : eAskme
How to Use a Domain Name With Blogger : eAskme
How to Use a Domain Name With Blogger ?

Register Your Own Domain :
  • Go to Domain Control Panel.

  • Go to DNS Settings.

  • Go to CNAME .

  • Enter "www" for "Name" 

  • Enter "" for the "Host Name".

  • Go to "A-records" and create four A-records with following IP addresses:

  • Save Changes.

  • Login to

  • Go to "Settings".

  • Click on "Publishing".

  • Enter custom domain name. 

  • Click on "Save Settings".

Register Domain through Blogger :
  • Login to

  • Go to "Settings".

  • Click on "Publishing".

  • Insert the domain and click on "Check Availability".

  • Click on "Continue to registration".

  • Enter details and click on "I accept Proceed to Google Checkout".

  • Click on "Agree and Continue".

  • Click on "Place your order now".

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