August 24, 2014

How to Use Filezilla to Connect to Godaddy

By Sonia
FTP file transfer protocol help web-masters to upload and download web-pages from server easily. Filezilla is a program that help you to connect GoDaddy FTP client.

How to Use Filezilla to Connect to Godaddy : eAskme
How to Use Filezilla to Connect to Godaddy : eAskme
How to Use Filezilla to Connect to Godaddy ?
  • Run FileZilla.

  • Click on "File".

  • Select "File Manager".

  • Type Host name in "Godaddy Host Name".

  • Type FTP in "Godaddy Server Type".

  • "Logon Type" should be "Normal".

  • Enter GoDaddy FTP username in "User".

  • Enter your GoDaddy password in "Password".

  • Click on "Connect".

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