March 30, 2015

7 Online tools to Analyze Keyword Density SEO

7 Best Online Free Keyword Density Calculator Tools

Keyword Density means number of times a keyword used in a page compared to total number of words on that page. You should make posts content keyword rich.

There are lot of keyword density calculator tools are online and I will talk about tools which are free. This will help you balancing keywords.

See : How To Write Quality and Unique Posts For Your Blog

Never use too many keywords as it is called keyword spamming or stuffing. Never exceed keywords more than 2% of total words of your blog posts. You can use following sites to calculate density of keywords.

7 Best Online Free Keyword Density Calculator Tools : eAskme
7 Best Online Free Keyword Density Calculator Tools : eAskme
Tools to Analyze Keyword Density :

Live Keyword Density Analysis :
This is simple tool to use. Enter keyword and paste content and it will automatically check  without doing anything.

ADD me Tool :
This generate report on density of keywords and phrase.

SEO Centro tool :
This will help to analyze keyword density and also show you important keywords of your site.

Article Underground :
This tool check meta data of your blog and show warning if there is any error on your page.

Link Vendor SEO Tool
(No Longer Available) This tool shows the percentage of keywords on the page.

SEO Chat keyword density tool : This tool use SEO`s and webmasters to know density of keywords.

These are the tool that I have personally used. If you use any other tools than please share with us. If you like this article do share on social networks.
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