May 20, 2015

Google Rebrands Webmaster Tools as Google Search Console

By Sonia
Google Rebrands Webmaster Tools as Google Search Console : eAskme
Google Rebrands Webmaster Tools as Google Search Console : eAskme
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Here comes the facelift to Google Webmaster tools. From last 10 years Google is running Google Webmaster Tools. Now Google has decided to rebrand Google Webmaster Tools as more popular services: s "Google Search Console".

Google has collected feedback from users and decided to establish a new brand name Google Webmaster Tools.

Also See : Google Webmaster Tools Shows When Images, CSS, or JavaScript Are Being Blocked

One other reason behind this rebranding is that Company wants to attract new users to Google Search Console that may have not used this service due.

I like to clear that this change is in name only. Till now announcement has not talked about any change in functionality of Google search console. SO there will not be any change in functionality of Search console. You just need to develop habit of calling it search console.

In coming weeks this change will be live worldwide.

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