Today we are going to publish interview with a professional Blogger, Interview with Adam Joshua Clarke.
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Interview with Adam Joshua Clarke : Interview with Professional Blogger : eAskme |
Q : Please share about yourself and your story to enter in blogging?
The reason I am blogging this time around, as it has been 3 years since I had worked on any website, is due to my success in my attempts before. I received just a little bit more than 1.6 million organic visits and even around 0.5 million views from referring sources. Quite a lot of happiness for me. In fact I even ranked first for the keywords I was going for for a period of time so I know the feeling of achieving success and doing it organically. It happens to be great and that's why I am doing this again.
I think the internet is a higher quality place these days and doing well means working by someone else's guidelines pretty much the entire way through so I think I have a great chance out there. I won't stop looking for a gaining new opportunities and I won't stop growing with other webmasters.
Ans: When I worked on my original website the idea was about self improvement so not only could I teach other people the skills they wanted to develop I could learn them myself. This really worked and it really worked well. People would even sometimes laugh at me with the things I say. I'm telling you it worked. So this time around I am taking my exact strategies and posting about the results so other webmasters can know exactly what they could be dealing with and exactly what it takes to do as well as I am doing. This means I am tracking my own progress to show other people where I make the leaps.
The only person I had to find was me. It was waiting inside me all along. The passion to do it the goals I wanted to accomplish. I just want to be a person who is known in the world and is known for something. I want more social connections that thrive on each other so I can have more of a life again even without having to leave my workstation.
The biggest obstacle I face is building my original baseline flow of traffic as an audience by ranking organically for some of my keywords. I overcome this obstacle by contributing to other webmasters and working with other websites. It may take a lot of work and dedication but that's what I am going to do.
Ans: Blogging can really change someone's life. It gives you the chance to really dive into a topic with your thoughts and how you organize them too. Once you become a writer you feel better about yourself and you care more about words. You even care more about the work that goes into creating and sustaining the entire passion of developing an online presence, of developing an online reputation.
You learn little bits at a time with each step you take and each new goal you reach. When you track the results you you have the chance to optimize and you learn even greater things. I think the fact that you can take it anywhere with you is what proves it to me. I'm not just Adam. I'm Adam and his website.
Q. What are your favorite Internet marketing tools?
Ans: Semrush -
Google Adwords Keyword Tool -
Any working page rank checker tools to check page rank.
Google Analytics -
Google Analytics is by far my favorite because it basically shows you and lets you keep track of how well you are doing and where.
Otherwise it is very useful to be able to check out the strength of a website when you are researching opportunities and competition.
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Q. What is your daily schedule? And how do you maintain your tasks?
Ans: I plan long term goals and give myself about the amount of time I expect it to take. If I don't meet my goal I simply take note of what I did accomplish for when I am trying to create my next goal so I can be more accurate. After that I can only do what I can do so I am at least working my hardest for the most part.
Ans : Blogging to me is putting yourself into a topic and really making it part of who you are as you grow with the topic as the topic grows with you. When you build a collection it turns into something like a kind art all displayed in one or many galleries across your website. You remember what you wrote about when it is all connected and when you write it all with a plan. If you build around a topic to cover it completely then this is the effect you get. This is when you aren't jumping around to too many topics and just stick to one area.
Blogging is like life practice to me. You have to work out and imagine all the examples to get from A to B or you can't reach your audience properly with your topic.
Q. Which are your favorite blogs?
Ans: is one of my favorite blogs. Made by Brian Clark. I learned a lot from them when I was still a beginner writer and I know they are quite big now.
Q. How much time do you spend on social media promotion and SEO of your blog?
Ans: I spend about an two hours a day to make sure to keep in touch with my social media accounts and to build followers manually. This time includes the time I spend on SEO for my blog which usually is just to check on what keywords I'm seeing results for and to decide to revamp my content or not as well as look at what perspectives to promote from. I keep those ideas in mind or write them down.
Q. How much time do you spend for blogging daily?
Ans: I spend 6 hours of time per day of blogging. Working on my website becomes my life and I am always working on content ideas in my head. I spend my time planning out content that I want to cover and by when and working on improving my old pages since I often review them and stay familiar with my website, When I am not actively working I am looking into opportunities for myself such as guest posting and connecting on social media.
Q. Finally, I would love to have your message for my readers and any suggestions for newbies?
Ans: It is the greatest fun and the most rewarding to be a webmaster on the internet in a day like today and I believe this will become more true over time. If you are interested in webmasters and their missions become one yourself and see what it feels like. You won't regret making this decision. There are lots of great resources to learn from.
My biggest secret is to make the goal of building to 10 visits a day then to 100 and then to 1000 and see if you can figure it out along the way. This is the truest way to climb to a place of success and it adds so much to your life to make it there. It's sort of like having a baby that as it grows old starts to look after you back, in return.
Q : What do you like about eAskme and how it can be more helpful for readers?
Ans : eAskme answers a lot of hot topic questions and is certainly fun to read. A reader is very likely to like what they see and want to read more. The best thing about this is that there is plenty more to read. I personally like that eAskme cover the topic of SEO and Blogging skills since these are both huge interests to me so there are lots of great content pieces to go through.
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