July 31, 2014

Can I Link My Domain to My Blogger Blog?

By Sonia
Blogger is a free blogging service.  Its a product of Google you can can access it just by signing in with your own Google account. 

Can I Link My Domain to My Blogger Blog : eAskme
Can I Link My Domain to My Blogger Blog : eAskme

Can I Link My Domain to My Blogger Blog ?

Choose Domain Name :
When you make blog on blogger.com it ask you to choose a free domain. IF domain is available than you can choose it or else you can try new domain and add that domain to your blog. This free domain have blogspot.com at end of the name you select in URL.

Choose a Non Blogger Domain Name :
Blogger also give you option to purchase domain from third party and connect that with your blogger blog to use it on your blog. You ca purchase domain from domain selling websites.

How to Link Your Domain Name To Your Blogger Account ?
You can buy domain and register add domain to your blogger blog. Login to Blogger.com. Go to "Settings". Go to "Publishing". Click on "+ Set up a third-party URL for your blog ". Enter domain in the box. Click on "Save".  It will show you an error message with two options "Name, Label or Host field" and "Destination, Target or Points To field". Enter these details in DNS settings of the domain seller website.

Advantages of Using Own Domain :
It will help to legitimate your blog for both advertisers and your blog readers. Search engines also more likely to show non blogspot domains.

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