July 30, 2014

How to Create a Home Page on Blogger

By Sonia

By default when you make a new post it will show at the top of your blog and older posts go down. but you can change it with creating a homepage. Homepage is the page where readers of your blog visit first when they go on your blog.

How to Create a Home Page on Blogger : eAskme

How to Create a Home Page on Blogger ?

  • Login to Blogger.com
  • Create post that you want to use on homepage.
  • Publish post.
  • Click on "View Blog" .
  • Click pencil icon at the bottom of your page.
  • And you will see the page where you can edit.
  • Click on "Post Options".
  • Change the post date to a future date.
  • Click the link and publish your post.
  • Go to "Layout"
  • Click on "Edit" blog posts.
  • Select the number of posts you want to show per page.
  • Uncheck the date to show.

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