July 21, 2014

How to Create a Mailing List for Blogger Blog

By Sona Mathews
Adding a Mailing list can increase  your daily reader and traffic to your blog. Your readers directly get all your blog updates in their email.

How to Create a Mailing List for Blogger Blog : eAskme

How to Create a Mailing List for Blogger ?
  • Login to Google.

  • Visit Google Groups and click on "Create a Group".

  • Give name to your group and  create an email id for group. Write description and Access level.

  • Click on "Create".

  • A new Popup will open showing  :

Congratulations! Your Google Group has been created.

Get started with your new group:
  • Invite people to join the group

  • Customize your group's settings

  • Add a topic and start posting
  • Enter the email addresses of people you want to invite .

  • Go to Blogger.com, Go to "Settings" and click on "Email". Find the "BlogSend Address" and enter email address of the group.

  • Go to your Google group and Click on "Tune Your Group's Settings ". Choose "Get a Promotion Box for Your Website" and search for "Subscribe Box for Your Web Page" HTML code. Copy this.

  • Go to Blogger.com. Go to "Layout" , Click on "Add a gadget" and Click on "HTML/JavaScript". Paste HTML code and save.

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