July 19, 2014

How to Order Books From Amazon in Japan

By Sona Mathews
"Amazon.co.jp" has its own Japanese version of Amazon. Learn how to order buy books in Japan.
How to Order Books From Amazon in Japan : eAskme

How to Order Books From Amazon in Japan ?
  • Go to Amazon.co.jp

  • It will load in Japanese but you can change language to English.

  • Choose book to purchase by two options Ordering and purchasing.

  • Click on "Add to cart".

  • Click on "Proceed To Checkout".

  • If you are new to Amazon than register your account  by clicking "I Am A New Customer".

  • Enter details and click on "Sign In".

  • Enter Shipping details and click on "Continue".

  • Finalize order and check details and click on "Place Order".

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