September 29, 2014

How to Change WordPress Default Username For Security

By Sonia
When it comes to secure a WordPress site or blog the very first suggestion come up is to change WordPress default username. By default WordPress username is "Admin" and it makes hackers to easily target admin with brute force attack. As they already guess your username so it be easy for them to crack password using brute force attack. It can become worse if you are not using Limit-login Wordpress plugin.

How to Change WordPress Default Username For Security : eAskme
How to Change WordPress Default Username For Security : eAskme

If you use simple script or Fantastico to install WordPress then you get chance to change default username of your site or blog. We suggest you to use WordPress 3.2 or above to change default username. But if you already running a blog with username "Admin" then you should follow below instructions to change this username.

Ways to Change Your Default WordPress Username

  • PHPMyadmin
  • WordPress Plugin : Wp Optimize
  • Manual Method

How to Change WordPress Default Username Using PHPMyadmin :

  • Go to PhpMyadmin in your WordPress cPanel. Inside PHPMyadmin, choose WordPress database.
  • Now inside database, find "Wp_users" and click on browse button.
  • Now you will see username and encrypted password.
  • Click on pencil icon to change your default WordPress username and password.
  • Enter new username in front of "user_login" and password in front of "user_pass".
  • Select MD5 in "function" in front of user_login and user_pass.

How to Change Defualt WordPress Username Using WordPress Plugin :

This is the easy way to change WP default username. WP Optimize plugin can change username of any user and even of admin. It is easy to you, you just need to install and activate it. Go to WordPress Optimize settings : Enter "admin " in old username field , enter new username that you want in new username field.

Click on "process" and within just few seconds your WordPress username will change.

Manual Method :

The manual method of changing default WordPress username is quite lengthy. In this process  you need to do following things :
  • Create new username with admin privileges.
  • Login with newly created username.
  • Delete admin username.
  • Attributes all comments and posts to new username.
WordPress optimize is one of the simplest and easiest method to change WordPress default username. Follow any one of the bove steps if you still using "admin" as username and secure your wordpress blog.

Do share if you already updated your username or not ? Also don`t forget to subscribe eAskme Email newsletter to receive more updates and WordPress security tips.

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