August 07, 2014

How to Put Google Calendar on a Sidebar of a Blogger Blog

By Sonia
You ca embed Google Calendar with HTML code in Blogger Bl 

How to Put Google Calendar on a Sidebar of a Blogger Blog : eAskme
How to Put Google Calendar on a Sidebar of a Blogger Blog : eAskme

How to Put Google Calendar on a Sidebar of a Blogger Blog ?

How to Generate Google Calendar HTML ?
  • Login to

  • Go to "Template".

  • Click on "Edit HTML".

  • "Blogger Template Designer"  window will open.

  • Go to "Adjust Widths". You can increase or decrease width of sidebar here.

  • Write the width of sidebar.

  • Now open

  • Click on "More".

  • Click on "Calendar".

  • Login.
  • Click on "Create"

  • Fill details and click on "Save".

  • Select the name of your calender from right side and click on drop down button.
  • Click on "Calendar Settings".

  • Go to "Embed this Calendar" and you will see HTML code in a box Copy That Code Or you can Customize by clicking on Customize.

  • Enter the width of sidebar.
How to Add Google Calendar to Blogger ?
  • Login to

  • Click on "Template".

  • Click on "Add a Gadget".

  • Find and add "HTML/javascript".

  • Paste HTML code that you have copied.

  • Click on "Save".

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