August 07, 2014

How to Reset Widgets in Blogger

By Sonia
Blogger is a well known blogging platform. It allow you to customize your blog and add widgets. You can reset widgets by following these steps:

How to Reset Widgets in Blogger : eAskme
How to Reset Widgets in Blogger : eAskme

How to Reset Widgets in Blogger ?

In Old Design :
  • Login to

  • Go to "Template".

  • Click on "Customize" and Click on "Upgrade Your template".

  • Select template and Click on "Save".

  • Your template will be reset.

In New Design :
  • Login to

  • GO to "Template"

  • Click on "Edit HTML".

  • Click on "Revert to Classic Template" or "Revert widget templates to default".

  • Click on "Ok". or if you click on "Revert widget templates to default" than select widgets you want to remove and click "Ok".

  • Your template will be reset.

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