August 05, 2014

How to Track Visitors on Blogspot

By Sonia
Blogger or Blogspot both are same thing. You can track visitors of your blog using Google Analytics.

How to Track Visitors on Blogspot : eAskme
How to Track Visitors on Blogspot : eAskme

How to Track Visitors on Blogspot ?

  • Go to Google Analytics Website.

  • Click on "Access Google Analytics" and Login.

  • Click on Sign-up.

  • Enter details of Account Name, Website name, Website URL, industry category, reporting time zone.

  • Click on "Get Tracking Id".

  • Click "I Agree" on Google Analytics terms of Service popup.

  • Now it will show you a "Tracking-ID" and HTML Code.
Read This : How to Create Google Analytics Account

How to Add Google Analytics code in Blogger blog ?
  • Login to

  • Go to "template".

  • Click on "Edit HTML".

  • Paste the copied HTML analytics code  before </head>.

  • Click on "Publish Post".

  • Now go to "Settings"

  • Go to "Google Analytics" and enter your Google Analytics tracking-ID in "Analytics Web Property ID" box.

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