October 02, 2014

How to Use Amazon Comments

By Sonia
Amazon is world`s leading online retailer that sells everything that is available online. Merchants submit reviews about the product they purchase from Amazon.com and these reviews help other buyers to know features of the products and also if that product is suitable for them or not. Posting comment is easy on Amazon.
How to Use Amazon Comments : eAskme
How to Use Amazon Comments : eAskme


  • Login to Amazon.com

  • Go to product page.

  • Go to customer review page.

  • Click on "Create your own review".
Other People are reading : How to Review Past Orders on Amazon
  • Enter pen name.

  • Give rating from one to five stars. One is least positive and five being most positive. 

  • Enter tiotle for your review.

  • Write comment about that product.

  • Preview.

  • Submit your review.
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