November 13, 2014

Actionable Ideas for Driving Traffic to Your Website

By Sonia
We have already talked about How we have got one million visitors in one day. Most of the webmaster complain about a challenge of website traffic. Users are looking and trying to find out more ways to drive organic and relevant traffic to their websites.

So today I am writing this article to give a whole idea to business owners and marketers about to the point actionable tips to increase organic traffic to your blog or website. While some of tips will take time to show impact, but many of them surprise you with the quick results.

Actionable Ideas for Driving Traffic to Your Website : eAskme
Actionable Ideas for Driving Traffic to Your Website : eAskme

Focus on long Tail Keywords:

Single keyword days are gone. People are more keen to use long keywords while making searches. So make sure that your articles include all relevant phrases and terms to your post topic. To see everything about how to search long tail keywords and how to use Long tail keywords see this post.

Start a Forum on Your Website:

We always know that active forum quickly rank for long-tail keywords. They are great to decrease bounce rate of your site and increase time visitors spend on your site also helpful in building a community. Also great way to get traffic to your site.

Create Facebook group for your site:

facebook is great way to drive traffic to your site. Start your blog or site specific facebook group where people can ask question and you will support them with answers and also point them to your site.

Submit Your posts to StumbleUpon:

Stumbleupon also help you get huge traffic to your site

Email promotion:

This is good but still you should not put you main focus on this. But it is always good to keep your site links in your signature when sending an email.

Answer queries on HARO:

Answering queries take hardly a minute or few minutes and results in Good PR also high quality traffic.


Headlines are always the main part of the content. Use attractive lines in headings and titles.

Join a blogging community like ProBlogger or CopyBlogger


Interlinking is very important to get traffic for your old posts. Interlink relevant postsas it also help to increase time on site and conversion rate.
See : Interlink your Posts to get more traffic and benefits of Interlinking.

Guest Post on Relevant Blogs:

Guest posting is good only if you do it on relevant sites taht match your niche. When you contribute only do to high quality and relevant sites. See : Top 3 Benefits of Writing Guest Post

Become Columnist:

Try to become contributor to high authority sites like Forbes or Huffington Post, as it will help you get targeted traffic to your site.

Optimize Posts:

Update old posts, use relevant and unique title tags and meta description.

Demote Irrelevant Sitelinks:

Demote and use Noindex, Nofollow for the links that you do not want to show. You can do this easily in Google Webmaster Tools.

Arrange ads swap:

You can trade banner ads with high authority site in your niche.

Post frequently:

I personally recommend to write frequently as it give new articles to your readers and also increase traffic.

Submit Posts to reddit.

Mention Influencer:

When you tweet or use quotes of someone else then make sure that you mention their name.

Focus on positive strategies:

You don`t need to do what everyone doing. Study and find out what drive traffic on your site and focus on that.

Bulid Connections :

Build personal relationships with other bloggers in same niche and it increase organic traffic and links to your site.

Keep all relevant keywords on site:

I never say that you spam and fill your site with keywords. I am talking about focusing on content and use only relevant keywords that are relevant to the post you are writing.

Create Top 10 Website Post :

Select top 10 sites in your niche and write a quality post about them.

Facebook Links:

Use facebook to share your articles. facebook has more than 90 billion users that means when you share you get more traffic.

YouTube Videos:

Create videos about your site and articles and post them on YouTube. YouTube videos are great source to drive targeted traffic to your site.

Use Alt tag:

Use alt tag in images as this give name to your images and will be great when someone search images will show your site in the result.

Be member of facebook Industry and LinkedIn groups: Build relationship and offer advice and idrive huge traffic to your site.

Connect with Bloggers:

If users or visitors already link to your sites that means they already like what you say. Contact them to see how can you promote more content.

Get Guest Posts on Your Site :

Allow well known bloggers to write guest post on your site, as when they share your post it drive huge traffic.

Reply to all Comments:

Always reply to all comments on your blog. This will build trust among your readers.

Add your Blog to Alltop:

Write Response Post:

Contact Influential Bloggers:

When you write some newsworthy or groundbreaking post then surely mention the influencer.

Use Categories :

Always make use of Proper tags, labels or categories. This will help your reader find all topics in respective categories.

Landmark Posts :

Create long and authoritative posts as it will generate links and attention.

Comment on industry Blog:

Comment regularly on a popular blog on the same niche of your site, It will also help to drive huge traffic and establish good relationships with other bloggers.

Interview influencer :

Interview famous bloggers and it will help you as they also promote your blog.

Share on facebook :

Share all your posts with friends and followers on facebook.

Share your posts on Triberr

Meet bloggers and share content of each other.

Add Blog to Technorati.

If you like this post do share on twitter and Google Plus. What tips would you add to this list? Let me know in the comments below!

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