November 08, 2014

Twitter AutoFollow Feature is Now a History

A huge number of followers on any social network si always a plus point for users. We always keep finding ways to increase number of followers. We have so many techniques so others can follow us. On twitter Autofollowing is always been a common thing to attract followers.

Twitter AutoFollow feature Is Now a History : eAskme
Twitter AutoFollow feature Is Now a History : eAskme
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Twitter AutoFollow feature is just like "You say Hi, I say Hi". It is not official twitter feature but using twitter API many other 3rd party sites allow you to gain followers by using Auto-follow. For thsi all users do is register themselves in some twitter directories and increase followers. But now twitter has changed this thing.

Twiiter has made it very clear now that Autofollow and bulk following is strictly prohibited.

What`s Next after Twitter Autofollow?

This announcement surely ends many 3rd party  twitter autofollow services but the same time it give new meaning to services like Socialoomph. Socialoomph allow you to follow in a smart and easy way. They have feature call Manual Vetting. You can see the list of followers in your account and you can manually follow them. This is better than a blind auto follow.

There are so many levels of automation. One good method is sending direct messages. I use Socialoomph service to send direct messages. Here are list of twitter services to send automatic direct messages.

If twitter auto follow feature was the reason fo your twitter followers, then i suggest this is the time you should look for more ways to increase your twitter followers.

What do you think about these changes from twitter? What automation methods do you use? Don`t forget to follow eAskme on twitter.
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