October 31, 2015

A DIY Guide for WordPress Blog SEO Tutorial

Blogging is a fun and passion. It is more fun when you do it without any materialistic motive. When you Blog for passion, then maybe you don’t care about factors like SEO, Blog design, and other factors. But if Blogging is a career choice, then it will become a serious work, and you have to take care of all elements.
DIY WordPress SEO Tutorial : eAskme
DIY WordPress SEO Tutorial : eAskme

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WordPress SEO is an essential factor for increasing blog presence in Search engines. Today we will discuss the natural ways to implement SEO optimization techniques for WordPress blog.

DIY SEO guide for WordPress:

WordPress Sitemap:

The sitemap is one of the crucial factors for SEO. It is an XML file, which contains all vital link of a Blog. Sitemap file always helps search engine bots to discover blog content and easily index them in the search engine.  You can also use WordPress Sitemap plugins for this purpose; I recommend you to use Google XML sitemap. You need to install and activate this plugin, then go to plugin settings and generate a sitemap.

Default sitemap link look like http://sitedomain.com/sitemap.xml

  • Go to Bing Webmaster tool and Google Webmaster tool 
  • Submit your site
  • Verify your site 
  • Submit the sitemap. 

This will help search engines to crawl and index all pages of your Blog.

Also see : How to Create Sitemap Page in Blogger 

Control Indexing of WordPress Blog:

Good quality content in the search index is the most critical factor of better search engine ranking. Google Panda updates penalize domains with low-quality content. You should noindex pages like Categories, author archive, and Tags are not useful for search engine index. Use Meta robots or WordPress SEO by yoast plugin.

WordPress Permalink:

Permalink in simple word is the URL of your blog post. For example domain.com/wordpress-seo-guide.

By default, WordPress Permalink not search engine friendly and doesn’t give any additional value in on page optimization of your blog post. As soon as you install WordPress, you should go ahead and set up WordPress permalink. In the latest version, WordPress offers post name permalink as an option and select it to give a search engine friendly URL.
How to Use Custom Permalink for Blogspot Blogs
Which is the best WordPress Permalink for SEO

Image Alt tag and Image Sitemap:

Images are a great way to optimize the presentation of your content. You should add images in a Blog post. Reason for image optimization are?

  • Post presentation look better
  • Make content Pinnable on Pinterest
  • Drive organic traffic via Images search.
  • Submit original images to Flickr and get traffic and Backlinks.

Now let's see how search engines understand images? Search engine bots understand images by using Alt tag. Use SEO friendly images plugin to create auto ALT tag for images. Use only relevant photos.

You can create a sitemap of WordPress images and submit to Google Webmaster tools. This will help you to drive more traffic. To reduce image size, you can use Smush.it plugin.

Use Unique Meta Title and Meta Description:

The biggest blogging mistake is not using a unique Meta Title and Meta description. Create useful, catchy and Keyword rich Meta title, which will help to get a higher CTR. A Unique Meta description will help visitors to understand your content.
You can use the best SEO plugin which is WordPress SEO by Yoast.

Learn SEO yourself and do seo of your blog. Easy and quick SEO is the most significant advantage of WordPress. You can only do it with the help of plugins.

Final Words:

This is a DIY SEO guide for WordPress blog. Follow these SEO Tactics and improve your WordPress SEO. if you do have any question, feel free to ask. If you enjoyed this article, do share it on Twitter and Google plus.

Don't forget to like us FB and join the eAskme newsletter to stay tuned with us. Happy Blogging!

Man Behind eAskme

Mr. Kumar

He is the founder of eAskme.com. He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online entrepreneur. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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