August 28, 2018

9 SEO Tactics that Will Accelerate Your Current Strategy

Any proactive digital marketer has come to realize the numerous benefits that SEO has to offer. The proper SEO tactics could help to boost a site’s traffic as well as improve its rankings. That notwithstanding, the right SEO strategies could help increase the conversion rates. However, you have to realize that having an SEO strategy in place doesn’t guarantee that your site will appear at the top of search engines.

9 SEO Tactics that Will Accelerate Your Current Strategy: eAskme
9 SEO Tactics that Will Accelerate Your Current Strategy: eAskme

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Why? Google keeps updating its strategies, and it is imperative for you to stay up to date with the current strategies. If you are unaware of the SEO practices that could help you improve your present strategy, this article will list nine effective SEO tactics that could help you accelerate it.

1.    Carry out an SEO audit on your site

If you have not been achieving the desired SEO outcomes with your current strategy, you might consider changing it or updating it. However, there is no way that you can change your strategy without first assessing what the cause for lower traffic to your site or lower rankings is.

The most effective way to achieve this is by conducting a full SEO audit on your site. Interestingly, you don’t have to seek the help of an SEO expert to do this; you could carry out the task by yourself, saving yourself a couple of bucks.

Technically, you first need to check the goals that you’ve set and then measure your site’s performance against the goals that you have set. By conducting a proper site audit, you can come up with new goals and implement better SEO practices that will see you reach your goals.

You should ensure that every tactic you put into place is optimized for search engines. And a proper site audit could help you employ the best strategies.

2.    Improve your engagement

In 2018, search engines such as Google and Bing consider user engagement as a major ranking factor. The more engaging your site is, the more the time visitors spend on your site. And the more the time users spend on your site, the higher its chances of ranking high on search engines.

How so? When you create content that engages more with users, you are bound to get more visits. And Google will consider your site as a reliable resource, ranking it higher.

Google intends to provide users with the best results possible, that is why it will prioritize sites that have a high user engagement. Albeit, Google hasn’t stipulated that strong engagement improves your site’s rankings, there is a lot of evidence suggesting that it is the case. There are some ways through which you could improve your engagement such as enhancing the readability of your content.

3.    Use schema markup

Another SEO tactic that could help accelerate your current strategy is using schema markup. Schema markup has been around for some time, but most site owners are unaware of the fact that it can help to improve a site’s rankings.

Schema markup could see your site enjoy a lot of benefits such as improved traffic, better rankings, and increased click-through rates. And who wouldn’t want these benefits on their website? No one.

Using schema markup is a viable strategy because it tells search engines the meaning of your site’s data, which allows people to find your site when they conduct an online search.

4.    Optimize your site for mobile

Frankly, a digital marketer or site owner that hasn’t optimized their website for mobile will not achieve higher rankings on Google as compared to a site owner whose site is mobile-friendly. For about two years now, Google prioritizes sites that are mobile-friendly. This initiative came about after the realization that most people use their mobile devices to conduct searches.

After all, the number of mobile phone owners has significantly increased over the last decade – their number is in billions. However, you have to know that optimizing your site for mobile is not all it takes to boost your rankings and traffic. You have to ensure that it is also fast.

5.    Improve your page load speed

Unlike vehicles where high speeds put a person’s life at risk, higher page load speeds help to improve your site’s rankings. Search engines intend to provide users with the best experience. And as a result, they prioritize sites that have higher load speeds.

That notwithstanding, users want a website that can deliver the results they are looking for in the shortest time possible. Nobody is willing to spend five minutes waiting for a site to load. If you notice that your site is loading relatively slow, you can use some SEO tools available to assess the problem. Once the non-essential elements are identified, ensure to remove them.

6.    Focus on your title tags

Title tags are an essential part of any SEO strategy. That is why it is necessary for you to be on the lookout for them. When writing your title tags, ensure that they are under seventy words.

Furthermore, you should ensure that your title tags contain a relevant keyword to help the search engine determine what your content is all about. Additionally, the title tags should be unique on every page.

7.    Have a link building strategy

Building backlinks is one of the most crucial factors of SEO rankings. Therefore, it is imperative for you to have a proper backlink building strategy in place. You must ensure that your site is only linked to high-quality backlinks, which you should always source from authoritative sites.

Quality links indicate that your site has valuable content, which could help improve your search engine rankings. Avoid toxic backlinks such as paid links or links from porn sites because they could harm your rankings.

8.    Write creative and relevant content

Whenever you are creating content for your site, you have to realize that you are writing more for users as opposed to search engines. That is why you have to get creative and write posts that will attract the attention of your visitors. Such content could help boost your traffic, and ultimately your rankings. Also, ensure that the content you post is relevant to your site and or industry.

9.    Optimize on visual search

You might have noticed that people are quite visual, and they get more attracted to visual content than plain text. Therefore, maximizing visual search could undoubtedly improve your SEO rankings.

Moreover, search engines can recognize visual media such as Google images and Bing images. And if you intend on implementing a viable SEO tactic, you should focus on visual content.


Has your current SEO strategy failed to bring the results that you so much desire? Well, not to worry. All is not lost. You might consider implementing the SEO tactics mentioned in this article to improve your overall rankings, boost your traffic, and get higher conversion rates.

Man Behind eAskme

Mr. Kumar

He is the founder of He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online entrepreneur. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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