April 08, 2024

How to Install WordPress Theme using WP Dashboard or FTP

By Sonia
Today we will discuss about an important topic which is installing WordPress theme. Like WordPress plugin installation, you can easily install WordPress themes from FTP software or  from Dashboard. We will discuss about both methods, but before we move ahead, I recommend you to read following:

Install WordPress Theme : eAskme
Install WordPress Theme : eAskme
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Here are few resources from where you can easily download WordPress themes. There are free themes also but I recommend premium themes only, to make a it establish a professional blog on WordPress:
  •  WordPress official Theme directory ( Free Themes)
  • The Thesis Theme for WordPress (SEO optimized Theme)
  • Elegant WordPress theme club
  • Woo Themes Club
You Install WordPress local host and test your WP Theme before uploading it on WordPress site. Wordpress also offer you free and premium themes. You can also test changes on your live site by using Theme test drive plugin.

Guide to Install WordPress theme:

I believe that till now you have downloaded some premium theme and now you going to install it on self hosted WordPress blog.
  • Login to WordPress dashboard
  • Go to Appearance
  • Click on Themes 
  • Click on Install Themes
  • Click on Upload
  • Click on browse, select & search for your .zip theme fie 
  • Click on "Install now".
  • Theme will be uploaded and will be installed on your server.
You can use preview to preview your themes before making it live. If everything i fine then you can activate it.

How to Install WordPress theme using FTP:

I prefer to use FTP to install or edit themes. FTP also helpful when your server security don`t allow you to use Dashboard or When installing themes from dashboard shows some error. FTP method is a manual WordPress theme installation method.

To use FTP method you need a FTP software such as FileZilla. You also need WinRar to unzip your files. In FTP method all you need to do is to unpack your theme and unload it to your theme folder on server. You can easily find WordPress themes folder under WP-content folder of WordPress directory.

How to Unpack the theme:

Most of the themes come in .zip format. So first you need to unzip the theme folder before uploading it to server. You can use WinRar for this purpose
  • Now login to your FTP manager 
  • Locate to wp-content/Themes folder or WordPress installation 
  • Upload the unzipped folder. 
  • Preview and activate the theme.

How to activate WordPress theme:

After installing WordPress theme you can easily browse all installed themes from WordPress Dashboard.
  • Go to Appearance
  • Click on "Themes" 
  • You will see themes. 
  • Click on Preview or activate.

How to uninstall or delete WordPress themes:

So I believe that you have learned how to install WordPress theme. Now let`s see how to delete unused WordPress themes. There are also two ways to delete WordPress theme.
  • Go to Appearance
  • Click on "themes"
  • Click on delete. 
Never delete your live theme directly. First Switch to another theme and then delete existing.

  • Login to your FTP Manager 
  • Go to wp-content/Themes 
  • Delete the theme
Note: You can export and import SEO features of your old theme to new theme. You can also use WordPress SEO plugin..

I believe this Install WordPress theme guide will help you to change and install WordPress themes. If you have any question, feel free to let us know. Also, a quick reminder for you to subscribe to eAskme Email newsletter to keep receiving more related topics.

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