October 28, 2014

7 Important Settings After Installing WordPress

By Sonia
I started blogging with Blogspot and later on i decided to move from Blogger to WordPress. WordPress is easy and reliable platform.
7 Essential Settings After Installing WordPress : eAskme
7 Essential Settings After Installing WordPress : eAskme
We have already talked about How to install WordPress on Bluehost. This is the next article in WordPress series on settings that you need to do after installing WordPress.

Very Essential WordPress Settings :

There are a lot of things to do and also a lot of things you will learn. Here I tried to discuss all basic setting that you need to do after installing WordPress on Bluehost.

WordPress Permalink :

This is the first thing, you need to change default permalink to custom permalink. As default permalink is not search engine friendly. So first thing is to change permalinks.

Best setting for permalink is to use post name. Just go to Settings then click on Permalink and choose the Post name in options then click on save.

This will make your permalinks keep keywords and have better ranking when it shows in search engine.

For Security Chnage Admin User :

By default WordPress login id is admin. But this is not safe as any intruder can easily guess it. So login with that IS and delete default admin account and use complex password.

Disable Users Registration :

If you do not want people to register tahn you can disable registartion by going on "Settings" then click on "General" and disable registration.

WordPress Time Zone :

Go to "Settings"> "Genaral" and change the time zone according to yoru country.

WordPress Threaded Comments :

Threaded comments help your discussion go deep. To enable it go to "Settings"."Discussion". Ckech the "enable threaded comment & break comments".

WordPress Ping List :

To update it just go to "Settings">"Writing".

Gravatar for WordPress Comment:

If you want to show your gravatar even to those who have not registered for Gravatar than go to "Settings">"Discussion" and change gravatar.

Now you can check this post when you install WordPress to check if you have done basic settings.

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