February 21, 2015

Google Provides Tips And Case Studies On How To Fix Hacked Sites

By Sonia
Everyone like to visit a secured site. hacked sites have many issues and they also get removed from search engine results.Google has shared tips on how to fix hacked sites.

Here I am sharing the following condensed versions of the two case studies.

Google Provides Tips And Case Studies On How To Fix Hacked Sites : eAskme
Google Provides Tips And Case Studies On How To Fix Hacked Sites : eAskme
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Restaurant website Case Study

Issue: Multiple hack-injected scripts

A restaurant website being reported as a hacked site. It was on WordPress platform and becuase of hacked issues it was taken out of Google search. The owner of Restaurant website found that spammy links had been inserted into the source code.

Restaurant website owner removed the links. She made a reconsideration request which was rejected. Now she found new content added to index.php, functions.php and footer.php. She has cleaned this and made another reconsideration request. This time she got reply that her Restaurant website was free from hacked content.

How she kept Restaurant website secure:

  • Using updated CMS and plugins.
  • Unique and difficult password for admin account.
  • 2-step verification.
  • Reputed plugins.

Professional website Case Study:

Issue: Lots of hard to find hacked pages

Maria is the owner of a Professional website. She tried many times to find the hacked content but she was not getting anything.

Google advised her to to do two things:
  • Check .htaccess file for new rules
  • Verify the non-www version of her site.
After verifying the non-www version Maria was able to see the hacked content. In her .htaccess file she found some strange code. She removed the .htaccess file, removed an unknown user from her FTP users area, and the main.php file. This way she fixed her hacked issue.

Google Tips For The Future:

  • Use SFTP instead of FTP as it will encrypt everything.
  • Check permissions on sensitive files.
  • Look for new and unfamiliar users in admin panel.
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