February 21, 2015

OpenLinkProfiler: Free Backlink Tool To Check Unlimited Backlinks

By Sonia
Earlier I have shared about What is Domain authority. Domain Authority is one of the best way to measure the success of a webpage or a domain name. If you already gone through that article than you already know importance of backlinks. backlinks are still one of the biggest criteria for ranking higher in search engine. Today I am going to share about one of the best tool to check backlinks and find out the newest links to your website.

    Must read: How to get quality backlinks

It is not only a best solution but it is free also. You can check backlink status of any domain or your domain. This free tool is OpenLinkProfiler. OpenLinkProfiler is a great tool to check backlinks to any domain. There is much more you can do than just checking links.

OpenLinkProfiler: Free Backlink Tool To Check Unlimited Backlinks: eAskme
OpenLinkProfiler: Free Backlink Tool To Check Unlimited Backlinks: eAskme

Features of OpenLinkProfiler:

That best thing of OpenLinkProfiler is that it allow you to check backlinks for unlimited domain for free and also you can download newest 1000 links in .csv format.

This tool help you to analyze competitor sites. You can also filter the result based on “Trusted top level domains“. This will show you results with top domain and LIS score. LIS means link influence score. This score is calculated on a scale of 0-100%.

To find more links to the site click on any link in link destination column. OpenLinkProfiler show detailed information about industry categorization on FAQ page.

Also See : How to Get Quality One Way Backlink for Your Blog

Features of OpenLink Profiler:

Link Disinfection:

Link Disinfection tools shows you all bad and low quality links pointing to your website. All links might not be bad so when you audit be careful. To ignore bad links you should use Google disavow link tool.

Also See : Backlink Strategies for Getting High Google Pagerank 

Pages- Find domain pages with maximum links:

Pages tab help you find all the pages of any domain with maximum number of backlinks. This will help you to find out top linked pages of any domain. When majority of links are of high quality, it shows that the linked page is of high quality.

Also See : 5 Ways to Get More Backlinks in Less Time


Linkage section let you find the links pointing to any domain by age. This help you to find out if links built in short period or it was built over time.

Also See : 7 ways to get high quality backlinks

Here are few more beneficial features of this online backlink tool:

Countries : It allows you to see which countries link to any domain.
LIS distribution: It shows you LIS or low LIS domain linking to a domain.
LinkAlerts: This send you email notification every-time it discover any new link.

OpenLinkProfiler is a great backlink analysis tool which is free also. Try this site and do share your experience.

Check out OpenLinkProfiler 

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