March 08, 2015

Become a DreamHost Affiliate To Earn from Hosting Affiliate

By Sonia
Whenever I share monthly income report of my blogs, usually I was asked one common question that which affiliate program do I use. Today I am sharing about one of the successful affiliate program which I have used.

If your site is on Wordpress then Dreamhost must be your first choice. Dreamhost offer an affiliate program which you can use  which help you to make 97$/sale. To join Dreamhost affiliate program you need not to buy anything. Anyone can join Dreamhost affiliate program.

Become a DreamHost Affiliate To Earn from Hosting Affiliate : eAskme
Become a DreamHost Affiliate To Earn from Hosting Affiliate : eAskme
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How to Get started with Dreamhost Affiliate Program?

  • Sign up for Dreamhost affiliate program. 
  • Login to their panel 
  • Click on reward tab to get dreamhost affiliate link. 
  • Start promoting affiliate that link via Blog Post or Email list.

Join Dreamhost affiliate program

How much Money you can make from Dreamhost affiliate?

I am a Dreamhost Affiliate from last year. Till now I have made almost $1134 with their affiliate program. Dreamhost pays by PayPal and check and by PayPal.

You can either offer a discount coupon worth $97 but then your commission will be 0 or you can offer a discount of $50, and earn commission of $47.

Also See : How to Promote Affiliate Products On Your Blog

Dreamhost Affiliate Payment

In next post I will share about how to promote Dreamhost affiliate offer. I am a happy affiliate of Dreamhost as their affiliate control panel if good and they pay in time.

Join Dreamhost affiliate program for free

If you have any question, feel free to ask via comments? You can also join Thesis affiliate program to make more money.

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