June 24, 2015

How to Write an Amazing Article Within 60 minutes: 8 Steps

Do you some times find yourself in a situation that you sitting ready to write an article. But then you don't know what you going to write? Even though you know that content strategy may be effective. But it can be difficult to make that happen.
How to Write an Amazing Article Within 60 minutes: 8 Steps: eAskme
How to Write an Amazing Article Within 60 minutes: 8 Steps: eAskme

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Some would call it writer's block. Some can even take ten hours or longer to just write one article. That can make you discouraged and make you think of just giving up. But what if there is a secret to writing great articles?

Yes there is a system that many use and find effective too. It may sound boring or even difficult. But experience shows that it is faster, easier and much more efficient.

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Choose your topic first.
One of the benefits when your topic is decided. Your subconscious mind is already working on the article. So by the time you sit ready to write you will find that you will work faster and more efficient.

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Write down a few ideas for each title. Maybe something that caught your attention. The faster your make a few points that you will want to bring out in the article. The more efficient you will write.

Introduction paragraphs.
It is good to start the article with an introduction. Some prefer leaving introduction and conclusion for the last task. But that is for each one to decide. It is suggested to write three introduction paragraphs.

  • Paragraph one. Getting the reader's attention.
  • Paragraph two. Emphasize why the reader should reader the article.
  • Paragraph three. Explain what is the idea behind the article. 
  • Now you are ready to start the rest of the article.

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Creating main points
This is the outline to your article. Remember you need structure in creating your article. When the outline is not used. The article is just like a rambling. Lots written but no points made. So make sure your outline is very clear. You can number your content topics. That way readers enjoy the article more. Also you will find the articles become much easier to write this way. Using examples like.. five reasons to... eight techniques... six reason why...

Readers prefer this approach to articles because it is clear, to the point and organized. With a glance they can get an idea of the article.

Sharing research with every point.
It is very important to focus on research. You can do a Google search about your preferred topic. High quality content, case studies, articles and many other examples. This can be called putting some meat to the article. Never a good idea to neglect this. Readers will want to see if you can prove what you claimed.

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But here you will need focus. As you cant spend too long on just one research point. The Internet is filled with information. But checking everything will be time consuming. So to avoid this you have to limit yourself.

Effective use of images.
It is without any doubt one of the most effective and eye catching ideas for any article. So don't be afraid to use images. You can do a Google image search relevant to your article. But please be aware of copyright images and copyright laws.

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Starting the Conclusion.
Some start with the conclusion. As it keeps their thoughts focused. But it may be effective as you will know how your article will end.

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Writing concluding paragraphs.
The idea of a conclusion is to summarize your article. It is important to keep it short. Don't think of everything you wanted to say in the article. Thats not what conclusion is about. Remember it is wrapping the article together neatly. Bringing all together and make it fit.

Using a question as closing. It is a good idea to end with a question as it makes the reader think about what they just read. Encouraging them to think about it. It is beneficial
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