September 08, 2014

Killer tips to improve Page Rank of a Website

By Sonia
Every blogger know what is Page Rank. It is not only a ranking factor but it is important factor to judge credibility of a Website. Before we start tips to improve Page Rank of your blog or website, first you should know what is Page Rank.

Page Rank is the ranking system introduce by Google. Google give ranking from 1-10 to a blog or website. New domains usually have 0 ranking or PR. 1 is the starting of PR and 10 is the best Page Rank. Page Rank related to quality of your blog or website and backlinks.

Killer tips to improve Page Rank of a Website : eAskme
Killer tips to improve Page Rank of a Website : eAskme

Why you need to Improve Page Rank ?

You should know why Page Rank is important for your blog or website. Page Rank do not have any direct link with your website traffic. But Good PR shows the credibility of your website.

You should create a plan to improve Page Rank. In Online Business Page Rank play important role. You can get sponsor blog posts only if you have high PR. With high PR, you can bid sponsorship post and ad spots.

When you have good Page Rank then other blogger will come to link to your website.

Google Page Rank identifies page of blog site on importance of Internet page. 0-10 Page rank depends upon quality and quantity of incoming links. Now we discuss tips to improve PageRank and get benefits.

How to Improve Page Rank :

Unique SEO optimized content:

First of all you should focus on most important step that is good unique content for your blog or site. Search engines like updated unique and quality content. fresh content will attract other bloggers to link to your site. You should have updated content according to Google algorithm. Always maintain post frequency and spread it via social media.

Use heading tags and keywords :

Its true that writing high quality posts help you rank better in Google search. You should work your blog or site to be in first page of Google Search. You can do this by keyword research, SEO optimized posts, Social medial promotions and backlinks.

The most crucial part is writing SEO optimized post for certain keyword.

I have written a helpful post on this shows how to do onpage SEO optimization. You need to take care of keyword placement, heading tags, keyword density. You should read this post about Onpage SEO

Backlinks :

This is the most important factor to improve Page Rank. The success of better Page Rank depend on number of inbound links. Links to high PR site give boost to PageRank of your website. These links should come from relevant sites.

  1. Blog commenting on Dofollow Blog
  2. Guest posting
  3. Forum Posting

Article directory submission:

you can write high quality articles to directories with link back to your sites. Sometimes webmasters take these articles and publish these articles on their website with a link back to your blog, this way you will get quality backlinks. These backlinks work as popular votes for your site or blog and also help you to increase Google Page Rank.

After panda update baclinks from article directories not considered as high backlink but still if you want just to improve Page Rank then article directory is a good way.

Submit blog to Web Directories :

This is a simple way to improve Pagerank. You should submit to high ranking web directories.

Ask other bloggers to link you:

There is nothing wrong in it. This way you might get SEO high quality backlinks. but for that you should have high quality posts on your blog.

Organize Blog Contest :

Blog contest also help you. You can run contest about products to which you want to write and write review and link to your blog get free google+1 or do social bookmarking.

Find your site in search :

Proper site structure in very important. You should check if Google has indexed all you content.

You can do search
Change your site name with easkme and perform this search to find indexed pages.

Fix Broken links :

Check broken links, fix them and make your blog more search engine friendly. Use webmaster tools to find broken links.

Internal Linking :

You should link to old posts. You should link old and new posts with each other. Add links with proper anchor text. Make consistency in backlinks building.
Share your tips and tricks you do to Improve Page rank for your blog or website ?

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