September 17, 2015

Facebook to Get Dislike Button

By Sonia
Have you ever thought if I use the like button to show empathy to a sad or bad situation is that good. Or does it show that I approve that something bad happened? Have you been in this situation? I am very sure most of us on Facebook had this thought.
Facebook to Get Dislike Button : eAskme
Facebook to Get Dislike Button : eAskme
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So now after a long time waiting, finally it is happening. Facebook will be getting a dislike button. As the CEO Mark Zuckerberg said, It is good to give more options than just the like button. It is true. Because as he said not all moments are good. So now Facebook is working on a button that shows negative emotions.

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Yes soon we will be able to express our dislike with a status. The like button came out in 2009. Now there will be another option. But as of yet it is unknown when the dislike button will be available for use. Wonder what other buttons they would work on. As I am sure us users on Facebook has a few ideas.

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What do you think about this? I think it will be good. Wish they would add a few others too. Feel free to share your thoughts with us and other readers too. We appreciate comments from our readers

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