When you first started writing for the web, you thought it would be easy to attract the attention of the online audience. You wrote huge texts of high quality and hoped to become an influential blogger or article writer in your niche. Were you surprised to discover you were completely anonymous after several posts published on the web? That happens to most beginners.
There are several criteria web writers need to have in mind. To maximize the impact of your content, you have to think about the marketing aspect as well. Quality doesn't matter when no one is attracted by the title, you don’t promote your content well enough, and you remain undetectable for search engines.
7 Tips to Acknowledge While Web Writing eAskme |
To find out how you can achieve better results with the pieces you publish online, follow these 7 tips that will guide you to stardom.
7 Tips to Acknowledge While Web Writing
1.Talk directly to your audience
Do you remember how your teachers at high school and college told you to maintain a neutral tone in your essays? You had to write from third person, and the result was totally awkward. Forget about the rules of academic writing when you’re composing web content. You need to address your audience directly. Just imagine you’re talking to a very familiar audience in front of you. Be natural and write in a tone that makes them feel connected.
This might take some practice. If you know an experienced blogger who can offer feedback, don’t hold back and ask for their opinion. It’s important to keep the interests, needs, and problems of your audience in mind, and write content they will want to read.
2. Online readers want you to use headings and subheadings
Do not publish an endless piece of connected text with huge paragraphs. The reader will be much more comfortable to spend time with your content if you make it easy for him. Break it up with effective subheadings that convey the point of the paragraphs they describe. In this way, the reader will get what you’re trying to say even if he skips reading few sentences or paragraphs.
When it comes to the headline, don’t try to lure the reader with a ‘catchy’ construction that’s completely irrelevant to the text. That trick might get you more clicks and visits to your website, but it’s also a certain recipe for high bounce rates. Make the headline and subheadings clear, informative, and interesting. When they catch a reader’s attention, the content must deliver the information they promised.
3. Achieve high quality
This is the most important aspect to pay attention to. No trick can replace quality. If you attract the readers with a great headline and you provide nothing valuable in the content, your efforts will go in vain.
Web writing is closely related to producing top-notch content and distributing it exactly when your readers expect it. That’s a difficult goal to achieve, simply because you can’t find your inspiration whenever you need it. One solution you can count on is Australian Writings, a service that can take part of your work load and pair you with a writer who will help you complete great web content. You can also hire an online editor, who will improve the quality, consistency, and logical flow within your copy.
4. Put the most important information first
You like writing general introductions that slowly guide the reader to a hint of your main point? That’s not a good strategy; you’re wasting your time on words that not many people will read. There is a simple rule you need to follow when writing for the web: provide the most important information straight away.
Don’t make the reader nervous with details and background he might not be interested in. At the end of the introduction, say that you have a lot more information to offer. When the visitor knows your main point is useful, he’ll continue reading your content.
5. Make a visual impression
People love visual content. When you break up the text with some images, gifs, infographics, videos, or any other visual information, you’ll attract the attention of your visitors. Most of them will only browse through the page to see the photos, but some of them will be interested to read the text too. That’s why you need to pick appealing visual content that makes sense within the context of your post.
Some of the tools you can use to boost the visual impact of your page are PicMonkey, DeviantArt muro, Gravit, and Illustrio. All these online tools enable you to create customized visuals that will be unique and appropriate for your text.
6. Adjust your tone. Make it simple
What if you use acronyms, complex words, phrases, and puns that your target reader doesn't understand? Do you think he’ll look into the dictionary and search Google to try to understand your point? No; he’ll bounce off your page with the speed of light.
You should not try hard to sound smart when you’re writing for the web. Maintain a tone that your audience understands. When there is a simple word you can use, there is no point in looking for a complex alternative in Thesaurus.
7.Get their attention with a catchy topic
If your topic is off, you won’t stand a chance for achieving success with your online content. The topic needs to intrigue the audience and promise answers, solutions, knowledge, or anything else they are after. For example, how-to and list structures always work as headlines. The headline promotes your article, so it’s the first thing your visitors see before they decide whether or not to read the content.
Once you get someone’s attention with the headline, you need to make an even better impression with your introduction. Tell the reader what you’re going to write about, draw him in and make him excited about the things he is going to read.
Know Your Audience, Know Yourself, and Discover the Right Approach
That seems complicated, doesn't it? It’s not easy to produce content that will become popular on the web. There are many nuances to pay attention to, so it might take a bit of practice before you discover the right approach. However, consistency and commitment always pay out. If you have a talent for writing, your success will come sooner or later.
Author`s bio: Stephanie Norman is a contributing blogger and professional writer with 4 years of experience from Sydney. She writes business, creative, and academic content. Also, sometimes she provides editing services for Australian Writings, a company that offers assignment help for students. You can follow her at Facebook..