November 15, 2015

5 Ways Smartphone Technology Will Change Your Life

Are you really smart to have a smartphone? Are you still waiting to get 3g on your phone? "Wake Up, Wake up!" 4g is on its way to your home. 4G networks offer faster service.

Don`t be lazy, get the latest trend of smartphone technology. Smartphones are changing the habits and behaviour of humans worldwide. It is one of the most beneficial creations for mankind.

Smartphones not only let you connect with each other but also allow you to pull old memories back by sharing pics not only with friends but also on social media.

Today I am going to share about how Smartphone technology with 4G is going to change your life forever:

5 Ways Smartphone Technology Will Change Your Life

5 Ways Smartphone Technology Will Change Your Life : eAskme
5 Ways Smartphone Technology Will Change Your Life : eAskme

Go, Go Video:

Smartphones allow you to enjoy videos even when you walk, talk or ride. Wherever you go the music and videos follow you in your smartphone. You may have enjoyed the videos on 3G, but sometimes you see that in 3G network congestion rate is very high which makes videos skip, slutters or many times unwawatchable.

4G is lot faster than 3G. Don`t you like to watch the movement of the cricket ball in high definition, well smartphone with 4G is best to play any high definition video without buffering. 4G network has the capability to make you enjoy the average speed of 10 to 20 mbps. That is much faster then the speed of even any broadband service that you usually use.

So do you still want to watch videos with lots of buffeting or skip HD videos, or you want to enjoy everything in high definition.

The Anywhere Office

Should I say sorry for bringing work into the fun story of 4G smartphone technology. But you can never underestimate the power of 4G Smartphone technology even when it comes to work.
In this internet era, businesses are going online and wireless. Over 96% percent businesses use wireless devices to connect with consumers.

Smartphone with 4G offer a better solution for you. This faster Smartphone technology allows you to send huge files easily.

Music in the Cloud, Clear and Loud

Smartphone allow you to save your music files on cloud and carry them on the go. You can easily access them from anywhere with 4G network and bring music back to your smartphone even if you are not saving it.

Life never feel so musical without smartphone. I bet you see more and more people with earphones in their ears every evening or morning.

The Internet of Things

Smartphone technology with 4G technology allows you to take the virtual world with you all the time. It allows you to stay online 24/7.

There are apps which need endless data. For example your alarm clock. You can even enjoy the weather conditions of your road to the office before even you step in your car. Smartphone also help you to start your car with certain apps.

Multimedia and Social Madness

Are you a selfie or Facebook addicted? Are you the one who like to show off or love be liked by everyone.  Smartphone with 4G technology bring you much more than you can even think of.

When I look for a Powerful Smartphone technology with 4G network, Micromax is always the best choice. Micromax is giving tough competition Samsung because of its quality, features and price.

Micromax Canvas, Canvas Blaze 4G are few which I recommend when you ask me for a powerful smartphone with latest features of smartphone technology.

What more you want from Smartphone technology? Do share with us.
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